Ayşe Yıldırım Ayşe Yıldırım

People and Places
Elementary level


In this lesson, SS will learn about the jobs and learn to use them in the sentences in order to be able ask questions about each others's job by practicing.While SS is learning how to ask about jobs SS also will be learning the difference between 'a' and 'an', where /when to use it and have some practice around it.


Abc Handouts
Abc Students books copies, pictures( Cutting Edge Elememantry)

Main Aims

  • To introduce and give practice in speaking about jobs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Use of articles a/ an before nouns


Warm up/ Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the lesson and make the context easier

-Introduce yourself briefly, ask one or two questions around the room, do this for a minute maximum. -Ask students 'What's my job'- elicit 'teacher'

Teaching new vocabulary,speaking and writing exercise (10-10 minutes) • Teach SS new vocabularies about the occupations to check if they are familiar with most of it. Give them matching practice.

-Elicit other jobs from the SS. Ask some SSmarker pens, they can come to the board and write a few jobs on the board. -Give each student a copy of the students book, p12. Ask students to match the words to the pictures in ex.1. SS check in pairs. Group feedback. Drill each word once, but drill a second time if they are saying it very badly.

Pronunciation, Highlighting the difference bertween 'a' and 'an'. (15-15 minutes) • To give SS practice the vocabs that they used at the perivious stage and have them write what they learnt on board as a part of activity.Make sure to check difference between 'a' and 'an'.

-Ask students again' what's his job?' and elicit 'he's a footballer'. Ask SS the same questions for different pictures. Drill a couple more times. Then SS work in pairs, asking each other questions about the pictures, and answering. Monitor carefully here, students may make mistakes such as 'he is job lawyer'. -On the board write 'he's a doctor, she's a singer, 'he's an actor', 'she's an engineer'. Highlight the different a and an. See if you can get the students to notice why we sometimes use one and sometimes the other. Then point at the pictures again, students must say as a whole class 'he's an electrician' or 'he's a mıusician', for example.

To demonstrate students to see if they get the main idea about jobs. (8-10 minutes) • To make SS give some info's about themselves and make demo to help them get the concept of the activity.Give examples of people's jobs around my society.

-Ask SS to write four sentences about themselves. Demonstrate by saying the four sentences about yourself. Monitor, help students and ensure answers are mostly correct.

Practicing the whole subject and Group work (10-10 minutes) • To teach SS how to ask and find out more info's about people.( espicially giving the simple examples : celebrities)

Put 4-6 pictures of very famous people that you think everyone will know onto the board. Write their names next to the pictures. Say some information such as ' he's form the USA', 'he's about 50', he's a musician' until somebody calls out the answer. Then ask students to do same in pairs. - Extra time : Have SS do WB p.7 exer. 9 and check in pairs.

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