Ipek Ipek

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will increase range of vocabulary used to describe crime and criminals. First, T shares a personal anecdote to set the context of crime. Then, Sts will share any stories they know on the topic of crime in small groups. Following this, students will complete a handout with vocabulary related to crime. Ss try to identify which parts of speech do the taught vocabulary belong to. Ss then try to complete the HO about crime vocabulary in pairs. T will drill whenever needed. Finally, Ss discuss their thoughts about the questions T has prepared for them.


Main Aims

  • To provide range of vocabulary used to describe crime and criminals.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop conversation skills.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To remind Ss of the vocabulary from previous day’s class. To set lesson context and engage students

T introduces herself. T asks Ss to guess about her feelings and opinions at the beginning of her first lesson. T elicits “I am impressed by your level of English. I’m very excited about teaching here. I am aware of the time constraint. So I will start my lesson now." She divides the class into two teams (greens and blues). T uses cut up cards containing sentences with the vocabulary and a situation and act out the phrase to the class without words. First group to guess gets the point. Then, Ss from each group are shown a card and they mime it out for their teams. First team to call out gets the point. Model: I’m sick of the rainy and cold weather. I’m terrified of sharks. I’m excited about reading this book. I’m shocked by the news. I’m satisfied with the food at the restaurant. I’m not sure about which bus to take.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a story

T says "So, you are terrified of sharks. Let me tell you what I was terrified of last summer" and she tells Ss about her personal anecdote related to crime. T asks some comprehension questions to check Ss’ understanding: Did I feel something was unusual? Do you think they were thieves / criminals? Could they steal anything? Did anyone help me? Could I prove that they were criminals / thieves? T puts Ss into small groups and asks them to share any crime stories they know. T takes notes of the vocabulary Ss use during monitoring. Then T writes on the board the vocabulary she hears while monitoring and asks Ss to explain them.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T gives a gap filling HO1 to Ss and tells them to do the task individually. T reassures Ss that the aim is only to see what they know. Ss check answers in pairs. Then, T gives feedback to whole class about meaning and form. robbery (stealing money from banks), theft (stealing money and things), burglary (stealing from houses and flats) and shoplifting (stealing from a shop while it is open)

Clarification (1-3 minutes) • To clarify the pronunciation of the target language

T models and Ss drill the correct pronunciation of the new words. (robbery, theft, burglary,, mugging, shoplifting, smuggling, murder, arson, fraud, bribery, kidnapping, vandalism, looting, terrorism)

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T asks Ss to identify whether words in HO1 are nouns, adjectives or verbs and T elicits the correct answer. T gives HO2 to Ss and Ss work in pairs to complete it. T provides them with a handout of answers. T models and drills problematic pronunciation.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T puts Ss in groups of 3 or 4 and projects the discussion questions. Sts discuss the questions. T conducts WC feedback and discussion. 1) Which of the crimes we have mentioned do you think are : very serious, quite serious, not very serious? 2) Which crimes are common in your country? Which aren’t very common? 3) Have you, or has anyone you know, been a victim of crime? If so, what happened?

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