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Teaching Practice 2
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about Past Simple Tense, Past Continuous Tense and adjectives ending in -ing used for people& things, adjectives ending in -ed used for feelings. The lesson starts with the teacher’s presentation to generate interest in the topic and it will be followed by a reading text and it is followed by various tasks getting students involved.


Abc Course Book
Abc Homework-Grammar Focus ex.1& ex.2
Abc Answer Keys-ex.2

Main Aims

  • To provide students with review and practice in the difference in form and use between the past simple and past continuous tenses.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach and allow use (ideally in above grammatical context) of adjectives concerning people and feelings.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher asks students in order to get them involved: -What do people do on holiday in the summer?(travel) -Where did anyone go on holiday? -I went on holiday last summer, where do you think I went? The teacher tells students that they are going to read a text about her travel experiences in the last summer,2012. The students read the texts individually to have a general idea by using their gist skills. Reading: Individually: 1-2 minutes

Exposure-Highlighting-Clarify (15-17 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation and to draw students' attention to the target language and to clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher wants the students to tell her back what is the overall meaning of the text they've just read. The teacher tells them to turn the page over and want them to tell each other(PW) the experience and discuss for 1 minute. The teacher tells them not to worry if they can't remember the exact structure of the sentences. The teacher asks students to tell and then write the sentences they can remember related to the text on the WB. The important thing is to write the sentences from the memory. These sentences should be the ones which are reflecting the TL. TL: Sentences formed by the Past Simple and Past Continuous structures.(max.6 sentences) If there is any need to correct the sentences, the teacher will do this by asking questions to the students like "am I in Amsterdam now?" in order to highlight the correct tense. The teacher underlines the verbs and auxiliary verbs in the sentences. The teacher draws a timeline on the WB ( DRAWING TIME LINE ON THE WB CAN BE THE FIRST THING AT THIS STAGE) and wants students filling the timeline by putting the sentences in the time line showing which situation completed in the past and which situation in progress in the past. Then the teacher wants students to discuss in PW why they used these tenses and the differences between them for 1 minute. Some students share their ideas with the class. According to the answers(knowledge level), the teacher can highlight the meaning and usage of the tenses.(THIS CAN BE CUT SHORT ACCORDING TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE STUDENTS AND IF THEY ALL GOT THE MEANING AND USAGE, THE FOLLOWING TASK CAN BE CUT IN SHORT TOO.) To clarify and to strenghten the concept, students work in groups of four to match the explanations of tenses with the examples given in envelopes. The answers will be shared with the class.(THIS CAN BE CUT IN SHORT.)

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher tells students that they are going to work on ex.2 which is about a book on the experiences of Susan Francis who lived in an other country, written by the ghost writer Andrew Crofts. The students work on Ex.2 on the coursebook in PW and share their answers with the class.( IN TERMS OF TIMING: INSTEAD OF SHARING THE ANSWERS IN THE CLASS, THE ANSWER KEY CAN BE GIVEN)

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The students work on Ex.3 on the coursebook in PW(2 minutes).When they finish the activity, they form groups to choose the most creative idea for each sentence given in the task and they share their answers with the class.(THIS MAY BE CUT IN SHORT- WITHOUT THE GW PART-ACCORDING TO THE ACTUAL TIMING IN THE CLASS) At the end of the exercise 3, the handouts about the list of the irregular verbs and the list of the spelling of the verbs with -ing are delivered to the students.

Free Practice - Vocabulary (11-13 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher asks students: "how did the story make them feel?"in order to elicit answeres from students.According to the answers teh question can be detailed: was it interesting, how interesting? fascinating, amazing, boring? Were you shocked? Were you frightened? She underlines the endings of the adjectives in the following words/sentences: "Amazing movie" and "I am amazed" The teacher asks students: -which ending used for feeling(-ed). -which ending used for people&things(-ing) The teacher she elicits the answers from the students the differences between them. The teacher asks them "which part of the story was not true?" wants them to discuss in pairs and them in groups, (Pyramid) in order to come to a group decision. At the end of the activity I can only say Right or Wrong in order to let them speak. The teacher tells students to speak about 1 to 6 sentences(THIS WILL VARY ACCORDING TO THE TIMING AND THIS CAN BE "TRUTHS AND A LIE" GAME TOO, AGAIN IT CAN BE DONE ACCORDING TO THE TIMIG) about their lives by using the adjectives in Ex.1 in vocabulary and then they share it with their partner and some of the students share their sentences with the class.(THE SHARING TIME WILL DEPEND ON HOW MUCH TIME WE HAVE) Students are given exercises in the grammar focus as homework. OPTIONAL: If we have extra time, homework can be done in the classroom.

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