Noor Al Imam Noor Al Imam

Noor TP1
starters level


In this lesson, students learn new vocabularies based on a reading text, and the use of 'This".


Abc Gap fill handout
Abc Things in a room

Main Aims

  • To present how to use "this" as well as introducing some vocabulary items for common objects, with practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • reading a text about student life.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • to engage the students with the reading text.

I will show them pictures about houses and flats and ask them "which house do you live in?" students will respond to the question I will show four pictures to the students and ask them "which house is the best?" I will elicit some answers from the students.

Speaking (3-5 minutes) • to clarify the meaning of the reading text

I will pre-teach the target vocabulary from the reading by using pictures via Google. (bed, desk, door, window, picture, room, chair, study and studying) Students will also repeat the words. I will ask "what is a normal bedroom in Turkey?" with each target word. I will elicite answers from students.

Reading (5-7 minutes) • To draw the students' attention to the target language

I will ask students to look at the pictures on page 12 to say what they can see. Students will respond to the question. I will ask students to read silently for 1 minute. After reading I will ask comprehension questions about the text. Students will respond to the questions. I will ask the students "what is normal in Turkey?" I will elicit answers from the students.

Grammar (10-15 minutes) • to teach 'This' in meaningful way

I will write "This is" on the board. I will point to real objects in the room and say 'This is a table'. I will point to many object students will give answers. I will clarify that what's this and what is this are the same.I will ask a student "what's this?". Students may say "this is" or "It is". Then I will play recording for 1.21. Students will talk about it in pairs.

Possible extension (4-6 minutes) • to learn the plural "those"

.I will write "These are" on the board and point to a near group of objects saying "These are books". I will point to other objects which are near and students will answer. I will write the contrast of This and These.

That and Those (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the use of demonstrative pronouns

I will write "That is" on the whiteboard and point to an object which is far from and say "That is a window" and I will write "Those are" on the board and point to things in the classroom and say "Those are books". I will point to a far object and ask "what is that?" I will elicit answers from students. I will point to far objects and ask "what are those?" I will elicit answers from students.

Extra practice (1-3 minutes) • to use this, these, that, those

I will give each student pieces of papers. I will ask each pair to form a question and an answer. students will ask and answer "what is this?" "This is a pen"

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