Jaballa Jaballa

Dates, Past simple regular and irregular verbs
A1 Starter level


In this lesson, Student will learn about dates and months through listening, review the past simple regular and irregular verbs through crossword. This lesson start with a small discussion about random dates


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and review of Months and dates in the context of Taking about their Birthdays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a asking and answering questions in the context of Talking about their birthdays
  • To provide clarification and introduce the idea of the phonetic symbols


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson contest and engage students

T welcome's SS, introduce himself and ask for their names. T asks SS when is Ramadan to elicit ( June ) T asks more questions (Ex. when is Eid Al Fitr ) students try to guess and elicit months on the WD

Mini(Test - Teach - Test) (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of this target language. To clarify areas of this target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage and to check students' use of this target language again and compare with the first test

T asks SS to open their Students book to page 88. T chest out and point exercise A. T asks Safa or Esam to read the instructions. T gives SS 2 min to finish it . SS check in pairs. SS listen and check their answers . T asks students ti listen again and practise. T puts SS in two groups A and B and ask SS A to test SS B and then vice versa T gives an Example with one of the students. T gives them 1 min to test each others . T tests random SS to check their understanding T on WB J_n_ _ry T elicit the answers (January ) T chests out Hand out 1 ex.1 T asks students to complete the words with the vowels letters SS check in pairs T class check on the WB Ex B. T writes April on the WD T ask SS to read it T ask SS to work in pairs and point out the stress T asks SS to listen and put the stress in the right place T elicits answer on the board using OHP

Test & Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language. and To provide context for the target language through listening

A T chest out Exercise 2 T asks one of the SS to read the instruction SS match SS check in pairs B T listen to check their answers If they were confused for some reason we will check the answers on the WB C T asks SS to listen and chose the correct answer SS listen SS check in pairs T check answers with SS

Highlighting & Clarification (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T asks SS to go to P.81 and chest out the speech bubble. T asks SS to read it T writes on WB March 17th T asks SS how to read this date ? T elicits the answers T point out the (th) in (17th) and ( I was born in May or I was born on May 25th ) T write more examples on the WB ( 14th - 25th - 31st - 7th - 22nd - 23rd) T asks ss to repeat after him

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T on WB writes (August 24th) and tells SS this is my birthday T asks SS to write on a piece of paper their birthday T writes on WD ( When's your birthday ? ) T asks SS to drill the question T asks one of the SS and elicit his/her answer T points out the hand out and ask SS to go around the class and write other students names and birthdays T asks random SS and get their answers

Activity 1 (2-5 minutes) • To introduce phonetic symbols and to get students moving

T will put ex.3 on the WD using OHP T introduce phonetic symbols T point out the Shawa (ə) sound T points out /ˈdʒæn.jʊ.ri/ and asks can you read it T elicit January T puts SS in two groups and ask them to fill in the gaps with the right words on the WB T give marks for each correct answer

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