eman eman

Pre -intermediate level


In this lesson. we will start with a lead in which is to elicit the adjective from the students which they have to use in the next stage, The second stage in this lesson is where I set the context which is a letter and student will have to read the letter.This letter is between two friends and the writer was trying to describe some of the Istanbul's's Landmarks to convince a friend to visit her in Istanbul and after the students finish reading the letter they will have handout of five questions about the letter to get students attention to the superlative adjective which is in the letter .After having the students attention, the teacher will explain the rule of the superlative. In the fourth stage, students will have adjectives handouts and the have to change these adjectives with the superlative form.And, the last part of this lesson is divided into two parts, the first part students will have to fill the gap and the second part students have to produce sentences with the superlative form


Abc Questions handout (five questions about istanbul)
Abc Adjectives handout (handout of ten adjectives with pictuers )
Abc white bored and marker
Abc letter from one frined who lives in istanbouel trying to Convince her friend to vist her
Abc Gap- Fill handout (handout of ten sentences )

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Superlative adjectives.for example(the longest tower) in the context of a letter letter from a girl to a friend trying to convenes her friend to visit Istanbul

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about letter from a girl to her friend trying to convenes her friend to visit Istanbul


Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To engage student and to the lesson and to prepare them to the next stage

student will look at different pictures to the same noun and they have to decide which one is the most different picture and I will try to elicit the correct adjective that describe the picture

While_ Reading (8-10 minutes) • to get students attention to the main aim which is suprlitve

In this stage, students will read a letter from a girl to her friend.this girl lives in Istanbul and she is describing some places to her friend to convey her to visit Istanbul. After the students finish reading the letter the will have a handout of five questions about the letter

Teach (8-12 minutes) • To clarify the rule and the diffrent forms of the suprletive adjectives

in this stage. teacher will elicit the superlative sentences from the students which the had read in the previous stage and write them on the board and explain the differences between the sentences and the introduces the formes of the suprletive

Test #2 (6-8 minutes) • Check students' understanding the target language

In this stage. will have a handout of nine adjectives and they are required to rewrite them with the superlative form

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

this stage is divided into parts the first part is fill gaps handout which has four cartons characters and ten sentences that describe the characters and the have to but the names in the gaps.The second part of this stage is I will ask the students to draw four characters of their family members and try to describe each one by using the superlative form

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