Didem Beyazoglu Didem Beyazoglu

Teaching Practice 8
Starter, A1 level


In this lesson, students will study present simple (he, she, it) questions and short answers. They will study wh- questions and how to give answers. First, they will be shown a daily routine of a person and will be asked some questions about that person.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present simple questions for the third person in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in a conversation in the context of daily routines


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To get Ss engaged in the lesson

Show the picture of your friend and introduce her to the class. Show students her daily routines on a chart and ask some questions about her routines including both yes/no and wh- questions.

Semi-controlled Speaking Practice (4-6 minutes) • To

Ss are given eight questions about the daily routines of the person that they've looked at. In pairs, they try to answer the questions as much as they remember. Then they exchange their answers with other pairs and check the answers. The pairs with most correct answers win.

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the word order in simple present questions

Ss are given a handout on which they will see a chart. Highlight the word order of the questions in the chart. Ss complete the chart with other questions from the previous exercise in pairs. Get feedback.

Language Focus (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the form in simple present questions with he/she/it

Looking at the form in questions from the previous exercise, Ss choose the correct options to complete the rules. They work in pairs. Get feedback.

Controlled Grammar Practice (15-18 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the language focus

Ss do exercises C, D, and E on the handout individually. They check their answers in pairs. Whole class feedback on the white board.

Speaking Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide speaking practice of the target language

Ss are put in new pairs. They are given the weekend routines of the person that they've talked about in the lead-in stage with some missing information. Ss take turns to ask questions to each other and fill in the missing information on their handout. Ss compare their schedules to check that they are correct. Give feedback.

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