gulnar gulnar

Beginner A1 level


In this lesson Ss will learn and practice prepositions of place. Moreover, they will have a practrice of asking for and giving directions


Abc Vocabulary review HO
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Information gap HO
Abc Controlled Practice HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of prepositions of place in the context of directions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for asking for and giving directions in the context of directions


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Ss if they have any museums, theatres, cinemas etc. near their houses. Give them a handout with the places to match. Ss work in pairs. Provide an answer key for them to check their answers.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

Focus Ss on the photo of Maria asking for directions. show Ss where she is on the map. You may point out that the answers for both gaps in conversations B and C are the same. Have them do exercises individually and then check in pairs. Have a whole class feedback.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw Ss' attention to the target language

Elicit from Ss where the post office, the museum and the bank are on the map. Encourage them to use full sentences from the previous text. Put up these sentences on the board. Draw Ss attention to the prepositions of places. (you may elicit from the Ss where the prepositions of places are in these sentences)

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • to clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of TL

Project the map on the board. Ask some CCQs to check Ss understanding of the meaning. For instance, Where's the chemist's? It's opposite the restaurant/next to the bank/in (on) the Station road on the left. Point out that we can say in or on with streets and roads. Use one of the pictures (e.g. pic1) to highlight the differences between near and next to. Also, highlight the use of on the left and on the right. Put up the prepositions on the board. You may want to drill some of them: near, next to, opposite

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Have Ss work individually and choose the correct preposition refering to the map. Get them compare their answers in pairs before having a whole class feedback. You may as some justifications to see whether they understood clearly or not.

Semi-Controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Give Ss a map of Hampton.Ask Ss to say where a place is on the map. Their parners should guess what the place is. You may want to write an example on the board to make it easier for the Ss to follow. Monitor and help. Pay attention to the correct use of preposition. Give on-the-spot immediate correction. (Note: If there's enough time you may ask them to write the sentences they are going to use to feel more confident)

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • to give Ss a chance to use the TL in a more meaningful context

Put Ss into pairs A and B and give each student an appropriate worksheet. Show Ss where they are on the map. They are not allowed to look at each others' map. Ss must ask their partners for directions to the places in the box at the top of their worksheet. Also, explain that the places shaded in grey are on both maps. They can refer to them while giving directions if possible.Demonstarte the activity with one of the Ss before they start. When a students thinks that he has identified correct location he should write the name on the map. When Ss have finished ask them to compare their maps to see if they were right. Note:You may want to write some promts on the board or give them it as a handout to use while talking.

Feedback (1-2 minutes) • to aware Ss of their mistakes

Write some common errors made in free practice stage. Elicit the corrections from the class.

Backup activity (3-5 minutes) • To give Ss a chance to personalize the target language

Have Ss in pairs interview each other abour the places near their houses. Then they have to ask how to get there. Monitor and help if necessary.

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