younis younis

Lesson plan 6
Intermediate level


The lesson is about 45 minutes where students will be introduces to some idioms. they will use some different activities on how these idioms give meaning in context. Rapport is just being built with them as this helps the lesson moving smoothly.The students` level is intermediate and they look creative and enthusiast to earn more. They are of different ages ranging between 22 to 55 years old.


Abc Complete the idiomatic expressions ex:1 p 103
Abc Find and underline idioms ex:2 p 103
Abc Ask and answer questions ex: 3 p103

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice for vocabulary and some expressions which are not interpreted literally but they depend on the context. These are called idioms.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To notify students that idioms if understood well can deliver a huge amount of meaning. To practice using some of these idioms through speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T tries to elicit the word 'idiom' from the students by a story or situation or an event. *Ss will say then directly The teacher writes it in the upper middle part of the board. * T write on the whiteboard two or three idiomatic expressions. *Ss tries understand and answer what kind of words, phrases or sentences they are. *T asks them to talk in pairs for (1) minute what they understood from them. *T explains what is meant by them and when and where to use them.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

*T asks them to work on ex (1) p 103, and he chests the worksheet to show them the activity. *T sets time for this which is (2) minutes. *Ss work first individually, then they are asked to check in pairs. *T monitors the class while they are working on the activity. *T elicit the answers from the students as she/he say the number and they say the idiom.

Highlighting (6-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

*T asks the students to work ex: (2) p103 , which is finding and underlining the idioms used in exercise (1). *T sets time which is (6)minutes. *T play the recording and monitors the class. *Ss listen carefully to and try to spot these idioms in on the worksheet. *Ss do peer checking. *T checks the order of these idioms and gives a whole class feedback.

Controlled Practice (4-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*T tells students they are going to listen to a recording where these idioms are used. *T asks them to work on ex: (3) p103. *Ss try to find and underline these idioms in that conversation. *T puts them in pairs (A&B), and sets time for this activity which is (6). *Ss from group A start asking the questions in ex:(1) from group B. *Ss from group B then take the turn and ask group A students the same questions. *T monitors the activity and give individual feedback (if needed)

Free Practice (2-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

*T asks the students if they have some English idioms or expressions. *Ss say these idioms (if found), and express what is meant by them. *Ss can comments on what they hear just to check the interference between them. *T tries to sum up the lesson with a short comment about using idiomatic expressions in general.

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