Caleb Camp Caleb Camp

My Day, My Life
Elementary A1 level


Learning about Past Simple Questions with Question Words, time expressions with the prepositions "in", "at", and "on", and speaking practice related to both.


Abc whiteboard, paper and pen

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Past Simple Questions with Question Words, and Time Expressions with Prepositions in the context of talking about "my life".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a dialogue and conversation in the context of personal life.


Warm-up (2-3 minutes) • To engage Ss in an energizing activity that will also serve as a way to create pairs for PW.

1. Ss will be asked, "When were you born?" and the T will give a model answer, "I was born in January." 2. Ss will be instructed to form a line according to their birth month. They will need to repeat the sentence, "I was born in..." and include their own month. Those with or closet to January will start on the right of the class, working towards the left with the other months of the year. 3. Once Ss have arranged themselves in the correct order, each still will take a turn saying when they were born. Once two Ss have shared, they will be paired and asked to sit down.

Introducing 1st Grammar Point (5-6 minutes) • To introduce meaning and form for the Past Simple Question with Question Words.

1. A slide will be projected on the board with an example of the Ss HO. Instructions will be given and an example shown. 2. Ss will work in PW to complete the exercise. 3. T will elicit W/C F/B, project answers and drill the sentences.

Introducing 2nd Grammar Point (10-12 minutes) • To introduce meaning and form for Prepostions + Noun Collocations in regard to time expressions.

1. A slide is projected onto the board with the words, "in", "at", and "on". 2. Three example gap fill questions are projected onto the board and T elicits the correct answer from Ss. 3. Three more example gap fill questions are projected onto the board and T elicits the correct answer to check for understanding of meaning and form. 4. If needed, T projects rules on the board explaining the concept, with three additional example gap fill questions. 5. Ss will be divided into two teams. Time references will be projected on the board and one Ss from each team will race to place the correct preposition into the time reference. When the game ends, Ss will be paired with the person they competed against in the game.

Grammar Practice (8-10 minutes) • To give Ss an opportunity to use the grammar in a controlled activity.

1. The beginning of a question, "When did....?" is projected onto the board. 2. Six matching phrases to complete the question are projected onto the board and back-chain drilled by T. 3. After drilling is complete, Ss are asked to work in their pairs asking and answering the questions.

Speaking (12-14 minutes) • To allow students to practice the target language for fluency.

1. Pictures of Alisa are projected on the board. 2. Ss are told there is a dialogue with two people related to the pictures. 3. Ss are asked a few questions related to the pictures. 4. Ss are then given a dialogue and instructed to read the dialogue with their partner, each one taking a turn as Alisa and Freddy. 5. T monitors and takes notes for delayed FB. 6. After Ss have played each part in the dialogue, the will be challenged to now tell something about their life to their partner, and their partner needs to ask questions like, "What did you...?", "How long...?", and "Who...?". 7. T finishes with feedback.

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