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Clothes and colours,
Beginner level


In this lesson, students learn about the names of the clothes where they have to match the words to the clothes. Then, the students play a game on the WB where they have to put the picture about clothes to its words. Afterwards, the students have to figure out the names of the colours by finding out the mistakes on the board. For each new word, they listen to the correct pronunciation on the computer. Then the students describe a celebrity to each other. Then, the students build up sentences about which clothes they wear. The students practice asking and answering questions about clothes by filling in the gaps. Finally, the students ask the teacher about his favourites.


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Main Aims

  • To provide vocabulary in the context of clothes and colours.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide listening,speaking and grammar in the context of clothes and colours,


Warmer Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • to set lesson context and engage students.

Teacher lets the students work in pairs an asks them to talk about the things they both have with them today.

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • to elicit the meaning of the words.

Teacher hand out a worksheet to the students. The students are supposed to look at the pictures on the sheet and try to match them with the correct words. Then students check with their partners. Then the teacher asks the students the correct anwers.

Controlled Practice Vocabulary (4-7 minutes) • To let the students practice their vocabulary knowledge.

The teacher puts 14 words on the board. The teacher divides the students into groups of 3. All the groups come up to the board and the teacher shows pictures. The groups have to try to find the words on the WB. The group with the most words wins the game.

Listening pronunciation (2-3 minutes) • to provide the students with the correct pronunciation of the words.

Teacher lets the students listen to the pronunciation of the words. Students listen and drill the words they hear.

Vocabulary Activity (4-5 minutes) • to test students prior knowledge, to elicit and provide vocabulary and its pronunciation.

Teacher puts 9 different papers with different colours. Next to the colours, the teacher puts wrong words. The teacher lets the students find out the mistakes. The students have to try to put the words on the correct pictures. Then, the teacher gives the students the right answers and lets the students drill the words.

Semi-controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • to let the students make sentences with the new words.

Teacher puts 2 pictures of celebrities on the board. Students work in pairs and they have to describe the celebrities to each other. Then, the students have to make sentences about which clothes and colours they usually, sometimes and never wear. Then, they compare their answers in groups.

Clarifying grammar, Controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • to elicit demonstrative pronouns in the context of clothes and colours.

Teacher gives the students a HO. The students have to fill in the gaps with "this, these,my, who and what." Then, students listen to the sentences, where they can find their mistakes and practice pronunciation. Teacher clarifies the meaning and form of these words.

Free-practice (2-3 minutes) • to provide students with free practice of the target language

Students ask the teacher about his favourites. (favourite colour, team, actor....) The teacher answers their questions.

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