Erhan Gülşen Erhan Gülşen

Erhan Gulsen, Reading a story about 1971 Los Angeles Earthquake


In this lesson, the SS will mainly focus on using their receptive skill of reading. Before starting the reading tasks, the teacher asks some questions about nature and natural disasters to the SS in order to elicit the word "earthquake". Then, the SS will discuss a question about the story by looking at the pictures from the story on the WB. After the lead-in discussion and the pre-reading task, the SS will get the specific answer for their discussions by scanning the task. Next, after they have found the answer in the text, the teacher will give them some exercises about the words that they may not remember or know the meaning of so that they can be fully ready before the skimming and in-depth reading. After drilling exercises with the words, the SS will perform these two sub-skills as while reading activities. And, as a post reading activity, the teacher will ask the SS to discuss a question related to the life of the main character in the story.


Abc Vocabulary Exercise
Abc Title matching exercise for skimming
Abc TRUE or FALSE exercise for in-depth reading
Abc Reading Text

Main Aims

  • To provide scan, gist and detailed reading practice using a text about survival from an earthquake in the context of natural disaster

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of vocabulary items before reading in the context of earthquake


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In order to set the lesson context and get the SS to be involved in the lesson, the teacher starts asking a general question about nature. To be more specific, he asks what the pictures on the WB show to the SS and then tries to elicit the word earthquake by hanging the date of an earthquake that happened in Turkey in the past. Next, in order to help the SS get ready for the pre-reading tasks, he asks a question related to the plot of the story they are going to read. He asks them how they can survive an earthquake in a house. Teacher: (After exchanging greetings). Do you like nature? Or hate it sometimes? Why? (After eliciting the answers) What can you see in these pictures? (The pictures of natural disasters are hung on the WB before the class). Yes, flood, typhoon, tornado,.... What do we call them? They are all natural disasters. Can you give me one more example for natural disasters? (Hanging the date 17.08.1999 on the WB) What does this date remind you? Ok. Today, we are going to read a story about the Los Angeles Earthquake in 1971. The story includes a family who survived the earthquake by staying in their house. So, before we start, how can you survive an earthquake by staying in your house? Tell me your opinions.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

In pre-reading task, the teacher tries to help the SS to be more engaged in the upcoming text, especially for the scanning task. On the WB, he hangs the pictures of the family that survived the earthquake and asks the SS to discuss about or make comments in 3minutes on how they could have survived the earthquake by looking at the pictures. Teacher: (Hanging the pictures of Mary's house.) These are the pictures of Mary's house. Mary is the person who tells the story. Now, in pairs, (you two, you two,...) Look at the pictures and discuss how Mary and her family survived the earthquake. You have got 3 minutes.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Task 1: Scanning After the pre-reading activity, the teacher tries to get the SS to check their answers on their own by scanning the text. For this activity, he gives 3 minutes to the SS and uses good ICQs because each student in the class tend to read the whole text. After the reading task, the teacher tries to elicit feedback (if the time permits) Pre-teach vocabulary: After the scanning task, in order for the SS to be ready for the upcoming sub-skill task, the teacher gives them a small vocabulary exercise. The exercise involves some vocabulary that the SS may or may not know. After the 3-minute exercise, the SS check their answers through an answer sheet (he hands them out to each student) and then the teacher starts drilling exercises. And, for the problematic words, he asks CCQs. (if the time permits.) Teacher: (After changing the pairs). (By chesting the text) Now, in 3 minutes, by yourselves, you are going to find the place where Mary's family survived the earthquake in the text. But, please don't read! Only take your pen and try to find the place. ICQs Are you going to read the whole text? Are we working together? How many minutes do we have? (And then he hands out the texts) (After 3 minutes) Teacher: Ok, have you found the place? Ok. it is the stairs. Feedback: So, is it a good idea to hide under the stairs? Pre-teach vocabulary: Teacher: Before we read further, I would like you to study some words from the text. You may or may not know these words. It is an easy task. (By chesting the worksheet) In pairs, you are going to try to choose the synonym and circle it for each underlined word in the sentences. You have 3 minutes. (After 3 minutes) Teacher: Now, please check your answers by looking at this answer sheet. And then, the drilling and CCQ sessions starts. (Whole Class)

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Task 2: Skimming: After the vocabulary exercise and drilling activity, the teacher asks the SS to match each paragraph with its title in 5 minutes. After the SS have completed their tasks individually, he asks them to compare their answers in groups. Next, he elicits the answers and writes them on the WB. Task 3: For in-depth reading, the teacher asks the SS to decide whether the seven sentences are correct or not. As the students tend to read the passage slowly, each sentence has the information before it, which shows in which paragraph the information is. For feedback, he hands out the answer key to each pair. (After the drilling exercise) Teacher: Now, these are the titles for each paragraph of the text. In five minutes, by yourselves, you are going to match each title with the correct paragraph. (But, You are going to read quickly) ICQs: Are we working together? Are we going to read slowly? How many minutes do we have? (Each title has a clue) (Be careful) (After 5 minutes) And, now, in groups of 3-4, compare your answers with your partners. (Writing the numbers 1-7 on the WB). Now, tell me the titles. (After skimming) Now, there are 7 statements on this sheet. And, I would like you to find out whether they are TRUE or FALSE. You are going to work alone. (5 minutes) (After 5 minutes) Now, please check your answers with this answer sheet.

Post-Reading/Listening (0-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

(If the time permits) Post-Reading: The teacher asks a question about Mary to WC and get them to work in pairs. The question is about the result that the SS can deduce from the text. Teacher: Now, I would like you to work in pairs and ask this question to each other: Would you be happy if you were Mary? Why or why not?

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