George Chigozie Michael George Chigozie Michael

Ups and Downs
Elementary level


In this lesson T will help the S practice their reading and speaking skills. They will practice these using the context of " Ups and Downs" that people go through in life.


Abc Reading Text
Abc Hand out 1
Abc True (T) or(False) hand outs
Abc White board and black marker

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice for Ss in the context of "Ups and Downs"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice for fluency and accuracy speaking in the context of " Ups and Downs"


Lead in (5-8 minutes) • Generate the interest of the S and set the context of the lesson.

1. I will welcome the students back from the short bread. 2. Play a little warm up game to make the class lively. 3. Pair the SS. 4. Who likes fish and who likes money. Students work in pairs.

Pre Reading ( pre teach vocab) (8-10 minutes) • To pre teach vocabulary that students may find difficult while reading the text.

Show meaning, form and pronunciation certain words that the S will find difficult in the text that they will read. The word include. A. Fisherman. B. Bored. C. Siesta. D. Successful. E. Business man. F. Extra. G. Fleet. H. Export.

While reading (5-8 minutes) • Reading for gist.

T will give out HOs containing 5 questions. These questions are 1. Where was the businessman? 2. Who did he meet ? 3. Did he like the fish? 4. What did he say? 5. What nationality were the two men. T will give the S instruction to read the text and answer the questions while reading. T will use a CCQ to confirm that the S understood. E.g. Are we going to answer after reading or before reading?. T will work alone and then cross check in pairs. T will do W/C F/B and error correction where need be for one.

Reading for details (8-10 minutes) • To provide further reading activists to confirm that students understand the concept better.

T will tell the students to read the text again and do the True or False statement activities. T will give the S instruction to work alone then check in pairs afterwards. T will monitor while the S are involved in the activities. T will do F/B and then make error correction where need be.

Post reading ( productive skill) (5-9 minutes) • Students will practice and improve their productive skill

T will pair the students. T will give the students instruction to discuss in their pairs about the following. A. Do you think the fisherman will follow the businessman's advice. B. If you were the fisherman would you do what the businessman said. If yes, why. If no, why. T will listen as the S discuss in pairs. He will take note of any error. To make sure that the S discussed and understood each other, T will ask each S what the other S said. T will then proceed to do delayed error correction on the board. After which he will thank the students and give them their 10 minutes break.

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