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Present Perfect (Already/Yet)
Pre-Intermediate level


First the ss will be tested on their knowledge of the already and yet. Then they will/ chech their answers against the text and highlight the target vocabulary in the text. Then T writes two of the sentences on the board and asks CCQs to elicit the meaning. Later on ss will work out the rule for the form themselves.


Abc Test
Abc Grammar Worksheet
Abc Role Play Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of already and yet in the context of Financial Concerns

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of The Present Perfect Tense in the context of Financial Concerns


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows a picture of a busy-looking woman and elicits some ideas about her. Then show the to do list and reads the first two examples. students take turns to read sentences.

Test (3-5 minutes) • To diagnose students' knowledge of/ability to use the target language.

T gives students a handout with a test. They need to fill the gaps with already and yet, then check in pairs. [WC Feedback (elicit answers) if necessary]

Clarification (10-11 minutes) • To clarify meaning, pronunciation and form of the target language

T projects two sentences (I've already saved 3 pounds. & I haven't started work yet.) on the board, asks ss who said each one in the text. Meaning: T elicits the meaning of TL by asking CCQs. Form: Ss go through the Grammar Worksheet to work out the rule. T elicits answers Pronunciation: T models, highlights the stress and drills the pronunciation of the TL in connected speech.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To practise the form of TL

T instructs ss to rewrite sentences by using the TL. They do the task individually and check in pairs. Then, there is a whole class feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To to concept check and prepare students for freer practice

T shows her own to do list to ss and gets them to ask her questions to find out what she has already done, what she hasn't done yet. Tencourages ss to ask follow up questions like 'When are you going to Bosphorus tour?" or 'Where did you do the shopping?' Then ss make their own to do lists, they write down three things they haven't done yet, but would like to do this week three things they have already done this week. Then they exchange their lists and ask each other questions, using yet as well as some follow up questions.They put ticks in front of the things already done. Then ss change partners haveput conversations about their previous partner's lists.

Free Practice ( Back up Activity) (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T sets roleplay, tells them that they should say “No, not yet.” to half the things they are asked about and then explain why and/or promise future action. The roles are teacher/student, parent/child, boss/employee, bride/wedding planner, etc.

Delayed Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • to correct students; errors

While ss are doing the freer speaking practice T writes down some sentences on the board.Then elicits corrections and praises ss for good job.

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