ebtisamegnejewa ebtisamegnejewa

A dream Job
Upper-intermediate level


The lesson is from "Move" Upper- intermediate coursebook by Kay, Hird and Maggs, Macmillan, first published in 2006. The text "Wind Beneath Her Wings" by Carol Kline was adapted by Move book from Chicken Soup for a Women's Soul, published by Health Communication Inc. The main aim of the lesson is reading for gist and specific information therefore the lesson divided into five stages which are lead in, vocabulary review, pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. The lead in stage will be a short talk in groups related to the lesson to warm the students up and to set the lesson. The question in the lead in stage is asking about the students' opinion which personalize the lesson to the students. In vocabulary review stage, students will revise the positive and negative adjectives which is the subsidiary aim for this lesson by matching the adjectives with their definition. Also the students will divide the adjectives into positive and negative. The while-reading stage is divided into two parts in this lesson. In the first part, the students will read to get a gist from the text and guess what the relation between the pictures is.Then the students in the part two will read for specific information. The students will read the text and put T for true sentences and F for false sentences about Jean's life. After that, there is post reading stage which is divided into two parts. First, the students will put jumbled sentences about a summary of Jean'e life in order. Second, the teacher will give the students an extract from the text with two questions and ask them to talk about this extract.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about The wind beneath her wings in the context of a dream job

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide revision of positive and negative feeling adjectives in the context of a dream job.


Introductory (5-5 minutes) • To introduce myself and break the ice between me and the students

1- Teacher will ask the students to make a circle. 2- Teacher will hold something and ask the students to imagine that it is a microphone. 3- Teacher will ask the students when they hear something similar to them take the microphone and introduce themselves.

Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Teacher will set the students groups depending on the number of the students. 2- Teacher will write a question on the board "If you had unlimited talents and abilities, what would you do?". 3- Teacher will ask the students to discuss this question in groups. 4- Students will discuss the question. 5- One students of each group exchange with other student and tell the other group about his/her group discussion.

Vocabulary Review (7-7 minutes) • To revise positive and negative adjectives describing feelings.

1- Teacher will give the students a handout with positive and negative adjectives describing feelings with their definitions. 2- Students will match the positive and negative adjectives which describing feelings with their definitions. 3- Teacher will give the students another handout with a table and ask students to cagerorise the positive and negative adjectives. 4- Teacher will use ICQs to check the students' understanding. 5- Teacher will give the students a handout to check their answers.

Pre-Reading (5-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1- Teacher will ask the students to write a sentences describing how their dream job makes them feel. 2- Teacher will give an example. 3- Students will write the description without the name of the job 4- Teacher will ask the students to use the positive and negative adjectives which describe feelings. 5- Teacher will use ICQs to check the students' understanding of instructions. 6- Teacher will ask the students to work in pairs and guess the job for the other person.

While-Reading #1 (4-4 minutes) • For students to read for gist

1-Teacher will give the students a handout with a text " The wind beneath her wings". 2-Teacher will ask the students to look at the two pictures. 3- Teacher will ask the students to skim the text quickly and guess what the relations between the two pictures. 4- Teacher will ask the students to check their guessing in pairs. 5- Teacher will listen to the students' guessing.

While-Reading #2 (9-9 minutes) • To provide students with more practise for reading for specific information.

1- Teacher will give the students a handout with sentences about the text. The students will write T or F in front of the sentences. 2- Teacher will divide the class into two groups. 3- Teacher will ask each group to read half of the text individually. One group will read to the line 38 and answer the first four points. The other group will read individually from line 39 to 71 and answer the other three points. 4- Teacher will use ICQs to check that the students understand the instructions. 5- Students will exchange their answer with one of their classmates from the other group. 6- Students will write the answers on the board. 7- Teacher will check their answers.

Post-Reading #1 (5-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1- Teacher will give the students a handout with jumbled sentences about Jean's life. 2- Teacher will ask the students to put the sentences about the summary of Jean's life in order. 3- Teacher will ask the students to check the answers on a piece of paper which stacked under their chairs.

Post-Reading #2 (5-5 minutes) • for students to practice more the new vocabulary that they have learnt from the text.

1- Teacher will give each group a paper with an extract from the text with two questions. 2- Teacher will ask the students to discuss the extract and the two questions in groups. 3- Teacher will use ICQs to check their understanding of the instructions. 4- Teacher will listen to any interesting ideas.

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