cragland94 cragland94

TP 3 - Listening and Shopping
Intermediate level


In this lesson the students will practice their detailed listening. The students will hear a recording of and interviewer and a shopaholic. The students will first analyze both what the interviewer says and then analyze what the shopaholic says. After the analyzation students will role-play both the interviewee and one of the interviewee's friends. The "friend" will give advice to the shopaholic based on the recording.


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Main Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about shopaholics in the context of shopping.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the speaking skill of building an argument.


Vocab Pre-Teach (6-9 minutes) • To clarify MFP for vocabulary they will use in the later stages

Most words are pretty self explanatory but there are a few which I will need to teach to the students. Window-Shopper: Elicit: Draw a window on the board with some items in the middle and also a door. Ask students what to draw. Shoplifters: Elicit: Act out stealing something from a student. Ask them what you’re doing and they’ll say “stealing”. Shoplifting is stealing from a shop. High Street Shopping: Elicit: Is a high street a rich street or a poor street? Rich. Shopaholic: Elicit: What is an alcoholic? Someone addicted to alcohol. Write out alco+holic and _____+holic What would we call a person who shops too much?

Brief Listening for Gist exercise (4-5 minutes) • To prepare the Ss for the later and more intensive tasks

Instructions: Listen to the video to get the general idea. This will warm you up to the later listening activities. ICQ: What will you be listening for? General Idea. Feedback: Does Katy think she’s a shopaholic? No. Do you guys think Katy has a problem? Why?

Listening for Detail (8-12 minutes) • To improve the students listening for detail skills

Instructions: Listen to the recording again, closely, and look at Listening Exercise 1. Circle the questions below which the interviewer is NOT asking. ICQ: Will you be looking for questions that are being asked? No. And how will you be listening? Closely. Feedback: Check their answers with w/c. — Instructions: We’ll listen to it one more time and this time take notes on what the interviewee is saying. This will be important for the final activity, a speaking activity. ICQ: Will you write detailed sentences? No, just short notes.

Brief Speaking Wrap-Up (10-15 minutes) • To provide practice for the sub-skill building and argument

Instructions: Work in pairs and role-play. Student A will be Katy and Student B will be one of Katy’s friends. Student B will give advice to Student A about how to fix her shopping addiction. ICQ’s: You will work with? Pairs. Student A is? Katy Student B is? Katy’s friend Student B will be? Giving advice. Feedback: What was some of the advice you gave? Who gave the best advice?

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