Murat Turk Murat Turk

World of Work: Technology and You Lesson, Present Simple
Level A1 (Beginner) level


In this lesson students will be introduced to vocabulary in the context of technology.


Main Aims

  • To extend the students' ability to use functional language pertaining to the use of everyday technology in the present simple tense and to use the 'do you have...' and 's/he has...'

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary, speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* Write the word ‘TECHNOLOGY’ on the WB * Divide the class into groups of three (3-4 groups-depending on the number of students) * Give each group or get them to pick a tech banner, Eg. Apple, Nokia, IBM, Microsoft, Sony etc * Get them to brainstorm for about 2-3 mins about all the words they can think of that are technology related * While the students are brainstorming I will write the banner names on the WB * Designate or get the group to nominate one person from the group to write under their banner all the tech words they have thought of * Discuss some of the more interesting suggestions with WC - maybe ask who wrote it and why they think it is a tech word

Practice TL (8-10 minutes) • Students will practice using TL through visuals and realia

* Flashcards - students will be shown pictures of everyday technology-related material * I will elicit by asking, 'what is this?' * Elicit the word, model it, and drill it chorally and individually for each of the 12 pictures * Demonstrate possession by using own laptop and saying 'I have a laptop' then ask questions to the class as to who has a 'laptop' * Do the same for a mobile phone

Activity - Review Vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Activity: Match the pics with the words HO 5-6 mins * Students will be given a HO with pictures they saw in the first exercise (with the flashcards) * They will match the pictures to the words below by writing the letters A-M next to the corresponding word * We will look at the word stress on some of the words like: computer, website, mobile, phone, digital camera, email address, fax machine and printer (WB)

Vocabulary - Using functional language (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Activity: gap fill and writing exercise * The students will complete a gap/fill exercise and use that knowledge to complete the sentence below using 'have' and 'has'

Productive Task(s) (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

The boasting game 5-6 mins NB: ICQ's * The students will practice using the present simple 'we have' * Students will be required to add a tech word each time until the students run out of words * I will instruct them without using the words they will use but instead I will give an example of the food and drink exercise from Monday. For instance, 'I Like apples,' then 'I Like apples and chocolates,' then 'I like apples, chocolates and milk' and so on.

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