Sara Elforjani Sara Elforjani

How to teach vocabulary
ICELT level


In this session, trainees learn about the possible ways in teaching vocabulary and the stages which should be followed to guarantee a definite production of any target vocabulary. The session starts with a lead-in in which lexis and vocabulary are elicited in a hangman game and the difference between them will be introduced after. This is followed by a variety of activities where "teaching vocabulary" will be taught with its different stages. Finally, a statement will be brought in to see if the trainees will agree with it or not.


Abc variety of activities
Abc Hangman
Abc matching activity
Abc Questions to answer

Main Aims

  • to teach the stages followed in teaching vocabulary

Subsidiary Aims

  • designing games


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set session context and engage trainees

a Hangman game will be played with the trainees in order to guess the two words, lexis and vocabulary. After that trainees will be asked about the difference between the two terms. I will elicit possible answers and then the difference will be illustrated on the board.

Exposure (30-0 minutes) • To provide a model of the activities that can be used in teaching vocabulary

As a lead-in to this stage, trainees will be given a matching activity in order to know the different word groups and also to be introduced to one of the activities used in teaching vocabulary after regrouping them. Trainees will be exposed to the stages which should be followed in teaching vocabulary. stage one: introducing vocabulary. Elicit any previous knowledge about activities to use when introducing vocabulary in the class. Give examples and do some activities with the trainees. Feedback Stage two: recognizing vocabulary. Explain what and how could make students understand and know the target vocabulary. Feedback Stage three: producing vocabulary. Show the importance of this stage and the possible activities which can be used to make the students able to use and produce the target vocabulary. Feedback and Teaching English Vocabulary" and "What helps to remember words?" will be given

Feedback (7 minutes) • To sum up and to know the problems which may face teachers when teaching vocabulary

A statement, "The fact is that while without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed...", will be written on the board for the trainees to agree or disagree with.

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