Murat Turk Murat Turk

Food & drink vocab
Level A1 (Beginner) level


In this lesson students will practice using lexis pertaining to food and drink. Some of the vocab associated with food & drink such as 'eat,' 'drink,' 'like,' and love. They will be introduced to some of the basic terminology of food items such as milk, bread, cheese, eggs, meat, vegetables, rice, fish, water, sugar, chocolate, tea and coffee.


Main Aims

  • To introduce the students to lexis in the context of food and drink; teach them simple sentences in the first person.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening and speaking.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Controlled Activity: Learning new vocabulary 5-7 mins I had initially intended to do this activity using flashcards but changed it because the images from PC are in colour, sharper and readily identifiable. 1. I will project Images of 16 food and drink items from PC to WB (realia, visuals) in random order. 2. After each image I will pronounce the name of the food/drink (language modelling) only and get students to repeat it – I will drill and elicit from all (chorally), in groups (two, ladies, guys) and individually. 3. I will move on to next image once all students have vocalised the names correctly. 4. I will emphasise particular words that I anticipate will be mispronounced such as: 'orange juice' /ɒrɪndʒ dʒu:s/ 'vegetables' /vedʒtəblz/ 'chocolate' /ˈtʃɒkələt/ 'fruit' /fru:t/ 4. I will correct mispronunciations. 5. I will once again display the images one-by-one but this time I will get the students to elicit the names of the items. on their own with minimal prompting from me.

Activity - Review Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text and visuals

Controlled Activity 2: 1. I will get the students to PW. 2. HO with 16 numbered images + lexis pertaining to the context + 16 blank spaces. 3. The students will have to match the image with the number on the blank space. I will provide one of the images as an example. 4. Pair discuss and peer-check between themselves while I monitor. 5. Feedback session with WC. Each student will be asked to provide an answer for each of the 16 blank spaces.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The students will be shown the 16 images of food and drink again on the WB using the PC. The students will be required to vocalise each of the 16 items from memory. For this aspect of the exercise I will elicit the lexis and correct if required.

Exposure to TL (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Exercise 3 - Matching pictures to sentences HO 3-5 mins 1. Introducing simple sentences in the first person, such as 'I like...,' 'I love...,' 'I eat...,' 'I drink...' 2. Activity Ex 3. matching sentences to pictures. Here, again, I have decided to utilise the PC for the images for better resolution and clearer images.

Exposure to TL - Listening (3-5 minutes) • Practice TL

Listening Exercise - PC Audio Recording 3-5 mins 1. The students will listen to a recording of the sentences in Ex 3 and repeat them. I will drill for fluency and accuracy.

Listening activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Listening Activity - Ex 5 HO PC Audio Recording 8-10 mins 1. The students in this activity will listen to an audio recording pertaining to the context. 2. The students will be required to work in pairs for this activity. 3. They will be handed an HO with five statements and they are supposed to circle/underline the answer that they believe is correct. The answers are in the recording so the students will need to listen carefully. I will play the recording once before handing out the sheet and again after the students have completed the task. 4. I will go through the answers and any corrections with the WC.

Productive Exercise - Writing (3-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ex 6 - Complete sentences HO 3-5 mins (time permitting) 1. The students will complete the sentences on the HO. 2. Four of sentences relate to what the students have learned from exercise 3, such as 'I love...,' 'I like...,' 'I eat a lot of...,' 'I drink a lot...' 3. For the last two remaining blank spaces the students are free to write what they want using the terms mentioned above.

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