Martin Plasse Martin Plasse

TP3 - Food and Drink
Beginner level


Students learn about the vocabulary of basic food and drink and its most basic related expression through the visual support of a PPT presentation and a variety of exercises including recordings and matching. An emphasis will be put on speaking and pronunciation


Abc Listening; Circle the correct answer
Abc Complete the sentences

Main Aims

  • Vocabulary/Function: To provide clarification and practice of basic food and drink items in the context of consumption and likes (only positive)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using single words and a text about basic foods and drinks in the context of a friendly conversation
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in listen and repeat exercises and basic subject related conversation situations


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Get together and talk about the foods you like. (Go for your favourite 5).

Oral practice (5-7 minutes) • To introduce TL independently from written form for pronunciation focus

Show PPT images for each food on p.28 main image + eggplant + bananas + potatoes + pomegranate (20) timing with audio (R.3.17) and leaving enough time for repetition. Work on pronunciation but not too much since more exercises will come. Focus on orange juice, vegetables, fruit, chocolate, pasta.

Written practice of TL (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the written form and provide lexical resource.

Stick images of an apple and eggplants with numbers 1 and 2 written on them on WB. Write 1. and 2. on the WB. Ask a st to do exercise without speaking a word. Chest HO and ask to do the same. "We will check which team as the most good answers! So this is a competition! Distribute matching HO to PGs so that they can match written words with images. Check in pairs, Give out AK. Put up answer key of the HO on WB. Write number of correct answers for each teams. ''Who are the winners?''.

Clarification and Controlled Practice 1 (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

Ask a random st to try and unjumble the sentence on the WB while miming its meaning. Make him or her write a dot at the end of the sentence. Check meaning of ‘a lot of’. Ask questions and draw clines as in LA if necessary. Show the four images and hold envelopes. ICQ: Are you going to write sentences or are you going to use what is in the envelopes? + Are you going to make the sentences you want or sentences related to the pictures? Distribute jumbles phrases. Monitoring: Make sure every student is participating. Provide help and write good and bad combinations on the WB, if any, to do WC correction. Erase before using PPT.

Controlled Practice 2 (Listen and repeat) (6-8 minutes) • To practice pronunciation and prepare students for more meaningful practice

(R3.18) As in ‘Ex4.’ Work with students on pronunciation including stress (see SB p.28). Try backchaining, at least with: ''I drink a lot of coffee'' see LA. Practice ‘love’, vowel sound.

Listening Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for free practice

(R3.19) As in ‘Ex5b.’ Give HO only after first listen. Check with ss and practice pronunciation at the same time. Verify their understanding of black coffee.

Freer Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

As in ‘6.’ Write: I eat and ask a st to complete the sentence on the board. Chest H-O and show that they have to write as in demo. After a) ask a couple students one of their sentences and answer ‘me too’ asap. Then say a relevant sentence and elicit a ‘me too’. For b) use PW and make them ask each other/ After the PGs may share with WC what they both like.

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