Wafaa Nour Wafaa Nour

Teaching practice 3 / aid organisations
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson ss learn about aid organisations and aid workers. They will learn some new vocabulary related to this topic. I'll focus on the meaning of these words, their pronunciation and word stress. They'll practise these words through drilling and through (word bag) game. During the lesson Ss get to practise speaking at different stages of the lesson. Also they practise listening for gist and listening for specific information.


Abc coursebook / powerpoint slides / handouts / audio tracks (1.63 -1.66).

Main Aims

  • To get ss to practise some new vocabulary which will be introduced through a context (aid organsations).

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss practice speaking through different stages of the lesson. They also practice listening for gist and for specific information.


Lead-in activity (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the topic of (aid organisations)

I'll show ss a photo of (Red Cross) organisation and ask them questions to elicit information about the organisation and introduce the topic. Then I'll show another photo of aid workers and start to ask ss questions to elicit who these people are and what they do. Then I introduce the topic and tell ss our lesson is about aid organisations.

Discussion (4-5 minutes) • To practise speaking, make ss more familiar with the topic and elicit different opinions.

I'll tell Ss they are going to discuss six questions about Aid Organisations. I'll model with a student to make the exercise clear then I put them in pairs and set a time limit for dicussion. After they finish dicussing, we'll have a group discussion on they were talking about to elicit different opinions and information.

Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To focus on meaning & get ss to learn some new vocabulary related to the topic

I'll set two questions for ss to answer: 'Do you think aid organisations help people only?' 'What kind of people do they help?' Then through these questions I introudce new vocabulary. I'll give them HO with a matching exercise and tell them they will work a lone and 'TRY' to answer in 2 minutes. Then I ask them to check in pairs and after that I check the meaning with the whole class. and illustrate difficult words through pictures or giving the antonyms.

pronunciation (5-6 minutes) • To focus on some phonemes/ syllables and word stress

I'll put a flash card on the board with the word (war). I focus on the /w/ sound as it's problematic to Turkish ss. Then I clap my hand once to show them it's only one syllable word. I introduce a 2 syllable word like (hunger) and focus on the two syllables (hun - ger). I put a big red circle on the (hun) part and a small blue circle on the (ger) part to show them the stress. I do the same with the rest of the new vocabulary. Ss practise these words through choral and individual drill.

Vocabulary / controlled practice (2-3 minutes) • To practise using the new vocabulary through gap-fill exercise.

I give ss a gap-fill exercise and ask them to answer alone in two minutes. Then I check with the whole class and make sure they all understand and have the right answer.

word bag game (4-5 minutes) • To get ss to practise the TL more through a game

I'll divide the class in to two groups(A&B) then I choose a student from group A and ask him/her to stand in front of the class. I'll give him/her a card with a word on it. his/her mission is to try to expalan the word to his/her classmates In group A through mime, explanation or even the antonym of the word. his/her colleagues try to guess the word. When they have the answer, I ask him/her to choose another student from group B to do the same thing and so on.

Listening for gist / Listening for specific information (4-5 minutes) • To get ss to know what the listening text is about and then try to find specific answers to certain questions.

I show ss a picture of Josh Gross and Helle Hansen and tell them they are aid workers. I tell them they'll listen once and decide whether they like their job or not? Is it difficult or easy? I give ss more detailed questions and ask to listen again and answer these questions. I ask them to check in pairs then I check with the whole class.

speaking/freer practice (4-5 minutes) • To practise the target language in freer way.

I put Ss in groups of three & give them some questions and ask them to dicuss them with each other.Then I have a whole dicussion with the class. Instead, I can move around and participate in each group discussion.

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