Naima Rabeie Naima Rabeie

Whats Edinburgh like ?
Pre intermediate level


The lesson is about adjectives to describe towns, cities food and people, also what is food, weather like and what are cities and towns like?


Abc worksheet , realia
Abc whiteboard
Abc worksheet

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the target language, through describing places, people, food and waeather using adjectives in the context. ( whats Edinburgh ).

Subsidiary Aims

  • Student get the opportunity to communicate in an oral semi controlled activity in order to improve their speaking skills as they describe towns, food, weather and people using adjectives.


lead in (7 minutes) • To get students attention and arouse their curiosity and intrest in the topic.

Ask students ( What is the weather like today ? ) ( Is it hot ? ) ( Is it rainy ? ) ( What is the food like in turkey ? )

controlled activity (9 minutes) • To introduce the adjectives.

Write on the board cold, long and sunny then ask students what kind of words are these ?

controlled activity (5 minutes) • To help the students understand the meaning of some adjective.

Ask students to look at the definitions for some adjectives, and do drilling.

controlled activity (10 minutes) • To help the students be aware of different kinds of adjectives.

four colorful cards will be stick on the walls consisting words of: weather, city and town, people and food. small papers with different types of adjectives will be put in a box then each student will pick a paper and stick it on the correct card.

semi- controlled activity (7 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to pracice speaking the target language.

Ask students to talk about Istanbul or any other city using some adjectives to describe the people, the weather and the food in restaurant, the shops and transportation.

controlled activity (7 minutes) • To check the students understanding.

Ask students to fill in the gaps with a suitable adjectives : delicious, friendly, expensive, boring, terrible and helpful.

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