Meltem Meltem

Reading skills
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson Ss' ll read five short articles which are reporting different stories about protests. At the beginning of the lesson Ss practice skimming sub-skill in order to match the headlines with the articles in ex.2. They 'll read the articles in detail to find the descriptions of the new words.Towards the end of the lesson, each pair'll be assigned to do an interview with one of the protestors in the articles which needs them to focus on details through an intensive reading. At the end Ss 'll be given some free time to talk about their preferences about the form of the protests, the articles they sympathize most as a freer speaking activity


Abc HOs of U8A ex.1 page 78
Abc The HOs of U8A Ex.2 pg 78
Abc HOs of U8A Ex.4 pg 78
Abc HOs of ex 1 U8 pg 78
Abc HOs of ex 1 U8 pg 78

Main Aims

  • To give the Ss practice in gist,detailed and intensive reading through the context of the articles of protests.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking


Warmer/Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To focus learner's attention on the types of information that they're going to read. To arouse the Ss' interest and motivation by linking the topic to their own experience.

Showing them the pictures of different demonstrations all over the world. Engaging the Ss to talk about the issues that people might protest against. Asking some leading questions about the pictures. " Are these people happy?" "What are they doing?" "When do people protest?" I give them HOs of discussion questions Ss work in pairs discus the questions in ex.1 T gets FB

Skimming (5-7 minutes) • To read quickly in order to get the gist of articles

T give the HOs of the articles to the Ss and ask them to read them. T ask Ss CCQ What are these articles about ? Do they want to change something? Why do they protest? T asks Ss to match the headlines with the relevant articles

Scanning (6-9 minutes) • To read the text in detail

T gives the Ss "Fill in the gap" ex. HOs. Ss do scanning in order to find out the meaning of each new word. Since the main & the sub aim of the lesson is reading and speaking , I don't want to focus on pronouncation & phonetics of the vocabulary too much. T gets Ss to read the sentences after they've finished.

Intensive reading (10-12 minutes) • To focus on more comprehensive understanding

I skipped ex.3 for the sake of doing another one. I think, Ss will be much more willing to do an intensive reading for this activity. Ss will do PW activity. Each group will be assigned to do an interview with one of the charachters in the articles. One will be the interviewer and other will be the protestor. Interviewers'll be assigned to ask the following questions. What did you protest about/ against? How did you protest İt? ICQs will be asked. Can I see the hands of all interviewers? Can I see all Godins, cyclists, nurses, prisoners, Elvis look-alike fathers. At the end each protestor comes to the board & answer the questions.

Post reading (5-7 minutes) • To have the Ss speak freer

T ask the Ss the following questions: Which of the protests in the newspaper articles do you sympathize most? Which is the best way of protest according to you? Which of the protest did you find most striking?

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