Kyle Kyle

People and places
Beginners level


In this lesson students will learn new lexicon in the way of adjectives, as well how to order adjectives, and how to use "very" with adjectives. There will also be an opportunity to practice reading skills. The lesson will be in the context of 'people and places.' After a very brief warm-up (reviewing a little material from last lesson) students will learn new opposing adjectives by examining contrasting pictures. Afterwards, students will practice the vocab with a circle game. We will then look at different exercises so that students can see how adjectives are used and placed. Students will then test their knowledge by practicing ordering jumbled sentences. Next, students will use their new lexicon and grammar knowledge to describe two different hotels. This will act as a lead-in for a reading passage about a couple visiting Moscow. Students will read the passage and answer questions. If there is time, students will again review the new lexicon with a lead-out exercise.


Abc Powerpoint
Abc Face2Face Starter's Student Book
Abc Ball

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of adjectives in the context of people and places

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about e-mail in the context of travel


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will briefly lead students through a review of colors as a way of introducing them to opposites. Using a color wheel on the powerpoint, I will point to red and ask "What color is this?" I will then point to green and ask "What color is this?" I will then connect them with a line. I will then say "These are opposites." I will repeat this for yellow and blue.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Using the pictures in each slide, I will elicit the adjectives from the students. As the students determine the adjective, we will drill pronunciation. I will switch back and forth between WC drilling and individual drilling. Only after we have drilled the pronunciation will I reveal the written words (with their phonetic spellings). We will do this for each set of opposites.

Lexicon Highlight (3-5 minutes) • To provide a context for students to use and hear the new lexicon

Circle drill. The students will come to the front of the room and stand in a circle. I will then demo the drill by tossing a small ball to another student and saying "hot!" When they catch it, I will elicit "cold" from them. I will then instruct the same student to toss the ball and say a different adjective, with the receiving student answering.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1) Using the examples from Face2Face, students will come to the board and complete the sentences. As they complete each example, I will emphasize the position of the adjective and drill the pronunciation (of the sentence). *I will also emphasize that adjectives are not plural with plural nouns. 2) I will try to elicit from students the word "very" using images contrasting different degrees of the same adjective. Once successful, we will drill pronunciation. I will then give a couple verbal examples.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will complete exercise 3 on page 22 of Face2Face. I will instruct students to complete the activity individually, and then check in pairs. Once they have finished, we will read through the answers as a class, checking for pronunciation.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In pairs, students will practice talking about two different hotels. This will help prime students for the reading activity. I will present images of two different hotels, including words that may be new to students. Students will then talk in pairs, using the previously learned adjectives to describe the hotels. After a few minutes of practice, I will ask students to repeat for the class their examples. It may be simpler to ask students to describe one hotel at a time (e.g. describe hotel #1 with your partner, review as class, do the same with #2).

Reading (5-10 minutes) • To provide reading practice in the context of travel

1) The previous exercise acts as the lead-in/vocab pre-teach 2) Students will be given the question "Where are Sally and Dan?" Students will then have two minutes to read the passage and discuss the answer with their partner. 3) I will explain to students that now they will reread the passage and answer more specific questions. I will then hand out page 23 of Face2Face. 4) As students finish, they will check their answers with their partner. 5) Once everyone has finished, we will review the answers as a class, correcting for pronunciation.

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