Karima Ennouri Karima Ennouri

Present Simple Lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, SS will learn how to form interrogative and negative sentences in the present simple using auxiliary verbs (do , does) through projection of BBC presenter Sian Williams. The lesson starts with introducing Sian then eliciting questions from students using '' does''. These followed by reading and filling the gaps task about Sian where students need to use the right form of verbs to complete the task. Finally there is some controlled practice through completing sentences and writing sentences about what you normally do at the weekend and at the end free practice via ask and answer questions about their daily routine.


Abc Gap- fill hand out
Abc Projection of BBC Presenter Sian Williams using Google Images

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of the present simple in the context of daily routine and weekends

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use '' third person S'' very effectively and forming questions using ''do, does and WH questions'' to ask each other about their weekends.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Greet students and have a little chat with them to warm up. Project picture of Sian , introduce her and ask students to come up with questions about her.

Filling the gaps activity (8-10 minutes) • To asses Ss ability of using verbs in the positive with the use of ''third person S'' and negative form .

Ask Ss to read the task then work in groups to fill in the gaps with missing verbs. Monitor them and see if they need FB.

Completing the sentences activity (8-10 minutes) • To Make students practise using Present simple and writing their own sentenses

Ask Ss to complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. After they finish ask them to work in pairs and check their answers. Then ask them to work alone and complete task 2 and write 3 sentences about what they normally do at the weekends and 3 sentences about what a member of their family does. Ask them to work in groups and tell each other what they normally do at the weekends.

Ask your partner questions activity (15-20 minutes) • To make students use '' third person S'' and forming questions very effectively.

Tell the ss that they are going to work in pairs and ask them to write their partner's name on the hand out. Then ask the. students to work in pairs and ask their partner questions randomly about their partner's daily routine from the hand out and write the answer down on the space provided. Teacher monitors and helps students if they need help. Swap the pairs and ask them to stand up to ask and tell about their partners. Teacher monitors and corrects students if needed.

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