gulnar gulnar

Pre-Intermediate, A2 level


In this lesson SS will learn some adjectives and their synonyms. Moreover,they will have a reading regarding children's hopes for future. At the end of the lesson they will talk abot the hopes that they had when they were little.


Abc Reading handout
Abc Choosing the right word hanout
Abc Pronunciation cards
Abc Grouping similar words handout
Abc Asking questions handout
Abc Image

Main Aims

  • to build up Ss' vocabulary

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of gist reading


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • to generate interest and set the lesson context

Tell the Ss that you are going to talk them about a person who you really admire and why. You may want to clarify the meaning of admire to Ss. Try to elicit it from Ss. Play the video of Beyonce's childhood and elicit from Ss who she is. Tell the class that this is a person who you really admire and elicit from Ss what may be the reason for it. You can project her image on the screen. Ask Ss in groups of threes to discuss who they admire and why. Allow them a minute to make notes and then take brief class feedback. Ss should give reasons for their choice. You can prompt them some reasons that may be an answer to this question: good looks, talent, money, etc..

Teaching Vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To teach necessary adjectives and their synonyms

Give Ss a short text about Beyonce and set a time limit for them to read it. As they complete reading ask them to match the words in bold with the word that has a similar or the same meaning. Have them compare their answers in pairs before seeing the answer key. At this point you can elicit some more synonyms of these words. (for eg.: Well-off,wealty synonym: rich etc.) Focus on eliciting the synonym of the words clever and intelligent. (smart) Try to elicit from Ss the differences between handsome and beautiful. Ask them some CCQs to see how they have understood the meaning. Draw Ss attention to the words with their pronunciation forms on the board and have a choral and individual drilling. Highlight the silent "d" and the pronunciation of the first vowel in "awful". Note the stressed and unstressed syllables. You can do backchain drilling for the longer words.

Controlled practice (2-4 minutes) • to check SS' comprehension of new vocabulary

Give Ss a folded handout and ask them not to unfold it unless told to do. Have Ss individualy complete the sentence with the correct adjective and then compare their answers in pairs before having a whole class feedback.

Semi-Contolled practice (6-8 minutes) • to give Ss a chance to use the TL

Ask Ss to unfold the paper and fill in the boxes with the corresponding synonyms. Ss check their answers in pairs before having a whole class feedback. Ask Ss to think of their hopes and wishes when they were little. Ask if their hopes have changed or not. Give your own example and put the model language on the board: When I was younger I thought being rich/wealthy/well-off is more important. But now I think that having good health is more important. Have them in pairs discuss how their wishes have changed over the years. Encourage them to use the phrases properly. Monitor and help if necessary. Get an open class feedback from a couple of pairs and ask them to report back to the class how the wishes of their partners have changed over the time.

Reading for gist (4-6 minutes) • To develop Ss' skimming skills

Tell the Ss that they are going to read a text about different children's hopes. Chest the HO and ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell you what kind of hopes these children might have. Elicit some suggestions. Have them scan the text quickly and tell whether they are talking about their hopes for their lives, their hopes for the world or both. Set a time limit. Ask them to compare their answers in pairs before getting a whole class feedback. You may ask Ss to chose the most interesting two quotes and discuss with their partner.

Follow-up (5-7 minutes) • to provide practice of speaking fluency

Give Ss question cards and have them in pairs discuss those questions. Encourage them to talk as much as possible about the topic. Monitor and help if needed. Collect common errors to be discussed in feedback session.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • to aware Ss of their mistakes

Write the common errors from follow up stage and elicit from Ss correct answers.

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