Juho Korhonen Juho Korhonen

Tp 2b: Grammar – Modal verb would
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about second conditional and different usages of the modal verb would throught context of journalism. Lesson starts with a supposedly familiar song "If I Were a Rich Man" which uses a lot of second conditional in the lyrics. Then discussion is brought to journalism with a questionnaire handout and a gap-fill exercise. These activities are used to focus on meaning and form of modal verb would. At the end of the lesson there will be freer discussion about journalism.


Abc Gap-fill handout (ex 2)

Main Aims

  • To provide review of second conditional and extension of the usage of modal verb would in the context of journalism

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking for accuracy and fluency mainly in the context of journalism


Warmer/Lead-in (7-9 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students and review the basic use of would

Ask the Ss to guess from the following video what will be the topic of the next lesson. Show ~3 minutes of the song "If I were a rich man" from the movie Fiddler on the Roof (YouTube clip) with English subtitles. Ask CCQs about the video from the Ss: – Was the man in the video rich? [NO] – Is he going to be rich? [NO/PROBABLY NOT] Ask Ss what the man in the video is doing and elicit the verb "daydreaming". Finally elicit from the Ss the theme of the lesson by saying that it's a modal verb often used when daydreaming. T can help this with writing on the w/b "If I were a rich man I ___________ build a big, tall house..." After the word "would" is elicited, also elicit from the Ss the shorter form "I'd" and demonstrate this with "finger contraction". Elicit from the Ss which form is also contracted "I'd" (I had). Write the sentences "I'd buy a horse." and "I'd already bought a horse." on the w/b and elicit from the Ss which is "would" and which is "had". Then add to the beginning of the sentences "If I were a rich man," and "Because I was born rich, at age 10," to help the Ss to understand the difference between the sentences. (First is not likely to happen and second has happened). Check with CCQs. – Is the person in the first sentence going to buy a horse? [NO] – Why not? [BECAUSE HE IS NOT RICH] – Is the person in the second sentence going to buy a horse? [NO] – Does he already have a horse? [YES] Why? [BECAUSE HE IS RICH]. Briefly tell the Ss that "I were" is used when connected to possibility and "I was" with something that actually happened in the past.

Exposure/Speaking (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a questionnare

Ask Ss to tell each other IN GROUPS 3 things that they'd do if they were rich. Stress that they should use I'd + infinitive. Take very bried w/c FB. Drill the question "Would you like to be rich?" noting the right pronuncitation. Change the drill question to "Would you like to be a journalist?" Then state that we will continue with previous lesson's theme and chest the questionaire HO. Ss should ask, answer and take short notes of the answers IN PAIRS. T can play instrumental version of "If I were a Rich Man" as background music. This might remind some of the Ss of correct usage of would. General FB if there's time at this point.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Elicit from the Ss what all the questions in Questionnaire HO have in common – would. Draw 3 columns on the w/b (do this while previous sections PW!) and name them "to give an opinion about _______ future situations" / "to ask for and offer advice or suggestions" / "with like, love, prefer etc. to express preferences". Elicit from the Ss the missing word "hypothetical" on the first column. Ask the Ss to match the questions in HO with with the right column on the w/b IN GROUPS. DEMO this with 1st question. When done, ask 10 Ss to come to w/b to write the number and beginning of the question to the right column. W/C FB and checking of answers. Elicit from the Ss positive and negative uses of "would" from the questions. Then elicit the difference in verbs that come after "would like/prefer/love/hate" and "would (you) mind". Ask the Ss to discuss IN GROUPS how to give positive/negative answer to the question "Would you mind opening the window?" Take some FB and explain different options and most common usages of would+mind. Drill different pronunciations of "would" (positive, contracted, negative, questions...)

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Give the Ss Gap-fill HO (ex 2) and ask the to do it IN PAIRS. If there are early finishers ask them to do ex1 from the HO. For FB listen answers from the CD (ex 3).

Freer Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

REGROUP Ss into groups of 3-4 persons and take care that previous pairs are not in the same groups. Tell them that they are going to (1) Compare answers, one at a time, of their questionnaires by telling the answers in the questionnaire with "NAME would/wouldn't ..." and (2) Find out if there were similar answers. Ask one student to model with question number 1. Check with ICQs: – Are you going to tell your answers or the anwers in the questionnaire to the group? [ANSWERS IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE] – Are you going to tell the all the answers or one question at a time? [ONE QUESTION AT A TIME] – Are you going to say "I'd" or "Mustafa would"? [MUSTAFA WOULD] – Are you going to find out different answers or similar answers? [SIMILAR] Monitor and take notes of errors. General FB. Delayed error FB if there's time for it.

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