cragland94 cragland94

TP 2 - Newspaper Vocab
Intermediate - B1 level


In this lesson I will teach students the appropriate vocabulary for newspapers/journalism.


Abc "Did You Know?" Sheet
Abc Answer Key for Vocab ex. 1
Abc True/False Questions
Abc Vocab Exercise 1 and 2
Abc Pictures of Newspapers
Abc Words from Vocab ex. 1 box

Main Aims

  • The aim of this lesson is to teach students about the vocabulary of journalism and newspapers so that they may be able to discuss topical events more easily in English.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Intensive Reading


Lead-In (8-11 minutes) • Introduce the context of lesson

- I will show students pictures of English newspapers and elicit the topic of the lesson. - Ask: "What do you all know about about newspapers in other countries?" - I will give the students the True/False HO and ask them to discuss and answer the questions at their tables. - After this I will give them the "Did You Know?" HO so that they may check their answers. Feedback: - Ask: "Were you surprised by anything?" - Finally I'll discuss the questions which follow the text with the whole class.

Focus On Vocab (9-12 minutes) • Elicit vocab in an collaborative way

- First I will draw a mind map on the w/b with the word "newspaper" at the center. - I will then draw spokes leading outside the center with the sub-headings: - "people who work on newspapers" - "things in a newspaper" - "sections of a newspaper" - "words to describe newspapers" - I will then elicit just a couple words to the white board. - After this I will set the students in groups of 4 and assign a sub-heading to each group. - The groups will brainstorm words connected to their sub-heading. 1 student will be the "secretary" and will be the one who writes their group's words on the w/b. Feedback: - Look at the finished mind-map with the class. - Get students to explain words to each other that they don't know. - Check if all the words are in the correct place.

Focus on Vocab Meaning (10-13 minutes) • To reinforce vocab through peer-2-peer teaching

- I will hand out the words from Vocab ex. 1. - Put students in small groups/pairs and see if they know any of the words. - I will encourage them to explain them to each other words that they don't know. - I will give them the Vocab ex. 1/2 HO - Say: "DO NOT WORRY ABOUT GAPS." - Ask: "Which two famous British newspapers are they talking about? What are the differences?" - Tell students to read the text quickly and answer the question I just asked. (30 sec.) - Then Ss will work in pairs to fill gaps. - As they finish hand out answer keys and get them to check with other pairs and groups. - Feedback: - Find out w/c if there are any words they are not clear about and explain meaning.

Discussion (5-10 minutes) • Practice speaking

- Finally I'll put the students into small groups to discuss the questions in exercise 2. - Feedback will be general questions about what they discussed/lesson overall.

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