sevda sevda

Personal Information Lesson
Beginner, level A1 level


In this lesson students will first discuss what information is usually on a business cards in pairs and come up with ideas. Then they will match photoes in the worksheet to the business cards on the walls in small groups. After that they will ask each other questions about the cards and circle the correct answers. Then they'll match the uses of capital letters to examples and play a relay race to practice the use of capital letters.


Abc Photos Handout
Abc Speaking/ Form filling Handout
Abc Reading Hanout
Abc Capital Letter Uses
Abc Example Strips
Abc Sentence Strips
Abc Business Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice of capital letters.
  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about personal information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency in the context of personal information


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To elicit the contents of a business card.

T shows a business card to ss and elicits what it is. Then T puts ss in pairs and asks to disscuss the contents of a business and card come up with ideas. Whole class feedback.

Gist Task- Skimming (3-4 minutes) • to get the students to practice reading for gist

T puts 3 business cards (a,b,c) on the walls, chests the photos handout and asks ss to match the business cards to the photos. Then T counts ss to divide into 3 groups, asks ICQs to check understanding and starts the task. Whole class feedback.

Detailed Reading (6-8 minutes) • to practice reading for specific information.

T chests the worksheet,and explains that they have to circle the correct answer in the exercise based on the information. Ask CCQs to check that ss have understood the instruction.( Will you circle the wrong answer?) Ss check in pairs by asking each other Yes/No questions, feedback as a whole class.

Presentation (5-7 minutes) • to introduce/ elicit the consept and use of capital letters

T elicits titles Mrs, Mr, Ms,Mrs and then the word "title" itself ,underlines the first letter elicits the word "capital letter". T sks ss to circle all capital letters in the business cards. In regrouped pairs ss discuss and take notes about words written with capital letters. Pairs come up with their ideas.

Controlled Practice of Capital Letters (4-5 minutes) • to practice the uses of capital letters

T sticks strips with different uses of capital letters as elicits from students on the board. Then T divides ss into 2 groups and gives each group a set of examples. Ss come and match the examples to the uses. Whole class feedback, groups check each other's work.

Controlled Practice 2 (6-8 minutes) • to provide extra practice of capital letters

Tell students they need to correct sentences in the envelope by adding capital letters. Arrange ss into 3 groups, give each group an envelope with sentence strips in it. Give them answer keys to check.

A Role Play (6-8 minutes) • to provide speaking and writing in the context of Personal Information

Ss A interview ss B using Hotel Registration form and fill it in. Then ss change partners and Bs interwiev As. After that, ss again change partners, and give feedback to each other.

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • to work on errors

During monitorin T listens for errors and writes some of these wrong sentences on the board. This is followed by the whole class error correction.

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