Britta Kos Britta Kos

Teaching Practice 2
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will focus on reading, speaking and listening by learning from various family pictures in connection with their respective family trees. They will learn the main vocabulary about family relations.


Abc Gap-Fill handout 3

Main Aims

  • Study vocabulary about family relations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about family relations.
  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice by using and repeating all words regarding family relations.


Lead-In (2 minutes) • Speaking Practice

I will ask about their weekends. How was your weekend? What did you do? I want to focus especially on family members.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • Provide context for the rest of the lesson, speaking

I will provide context through my own family pictures with a special focus on the family vocabulary. Which vocabulary do they already know? Can they understand the coherences of the relations already? They need to know at least the following words: Grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, son, daughter, brother, sister, mum, dad, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, granddaughter, grandson, grandchildren, husband, wife, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc.

Restricted Output (8-10 minutes) • Elicit family vocabulary

I will hang an empty family tree on the w/b - just the names of the people are on it. With the pictures of this family I will elicit the family vocabulary. There will be lots of repetition and following this ss are working in pairs to practice what they have just learned.

Gap-fill handout (8-10 minutes) • Improving reading and listening

Ss are first reading the text they check the answers in pairs and practice: Who is Bill? He is ... Listening to the text to check the answers.

Gap-fill handout (4-5 minutes) • Understanding gender

I will explain male and female with the already existing chart of the family tree. Elicit from the students male, female and when to use which word: e. g. grandfather and grandmother are grandparents = male and female. Ss are then grouping the gender on the prepared HO (Nr. 4).

Gap-fill handout (10-12 minutes) • Understanding coherences

First I will explain an example on the w/b about how to fill in the HO. Then I will give ss the family tree (of family Robinson). They have to be able to ask questions regarding family relations: e. g. Who's Bill? He is a husband to Pat, a father to Lisa, Kate and Max. He is a grandfather to Emma, Chris and Sally. He is also a father-in-law to Tom and Anna. The ss then have to fill in the missing words in pairs. They also have to mark the gender: e. g. Bill is male, Pat is female, both of them are married, parents, grandparents, etc., therefore they are male and female.

Free Practice (3 minutes) • Finding out coherences

If time: Ss are supposed to practice words about their own family members, maybe writing down some names, working in pairs: e.g. Who's Taifun? He's my husband, etc.

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