Rustam Rustam

TP 6
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice reading for gist. They will also practice reading for specific information. Students will further practice freer speaking for fluency.


Abc Copies of the textbook
Abc Main Textbook
Abc Teacher's notes

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and reading for specific information practice using a text entitled April Fool.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in pairs in the context of April Fool's Day.
  • To provide clarification of certain vocabulary necessary to comprehend the reading text.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context and engage students

Teacher plays a mini April Fool joke on students to introduce the concept of April Fool's Day. Provided that students take the joke seriously teacher will need to tell students: "April Fool!" and explain that it was a small trick. Students are the paired to talk about their country's version of April Fool's Day. To encourage a busy discussion, teacher may need to put the following questions on the board: -What do you know about April Fool's Day? -Do you have this day in your country? If no, a similar day?

Pre-reading stage (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Following the discussion, teacher pre-teaches some of the related vocabulary: fool, play a trick and hoax etc. Teacher then stick the following four visuals on the board: - a left-handed burger - a whistling carrot - a spaghetti tree - a nylon stocking over the screen in pairs students discuss what they think the April Fool's Day joke for each picture was. In feedback, students share their versions with the class.

While-reading stage # 1 (2-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading

Students are told to read the text quickly to check their predictions. Teacher sets 2 minutes time limit for this. In feedback, any doubts are clarified.

While-reading stage # 2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging for specific information reading

Students read the article again and answer the questions from the exercise 3 on page 35. Teacher may need to set a time limit of 5 minutes for this task. In pairs, students then compare their answers and encouraged to have a quick chat on their answers. In feedback, the answers are confirmed with the class. Any doubts are clarified.

Post-reading stage (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text

In pairs, students discuss which stories they think are the funniest. Students are also encouraged to share any practical jokes they have played or heard about on April Fool's Day. In feedback, students share with the class which joke(s) they find the funniest.

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