Natalie Hideg Natalie Hideg

Food Vocabulary + Comfort Food
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn food vocabulary through a series of speaking and reading activities. The lesson starts with a brainstorming session about different categories of food (verbs, descriptions, meal types). The students will then be initiated to the topic of Comfort Food through gist reading, and answer questions about comfort foods in different cultures. They will then do a more detailed reading of an excerpt about a traditional comfort food that they will take notes on and explain to a partner. In a group setting, students will ask and answer questions about typical eating habits in Turkey, and in their personal lives.


Abc Workbook exercises, texts and questions
Abc Overhead projector

Main Aims

  • To revise and discover new vocabulary relating specifically to food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice gist reading and detailed reading


Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To introduce the topic

T puts writes these words on the left hand side of the board, in one column: Chicken, bread, local fruit, green vegetables, chocolate, potatoes, exotic fruit, pasta, cakes, rice dishes, pork, red meat, seafood, cheese, spicy food Next, T writes 3 headings: "Food you like, food you love, and food you dislike/don’t eat" T puts own responses on the board (not all of them, just a few). In groups of 3, Ss compare and discuss preferences. T tells Ss that today we’re going to discuss food and learn some new vocabulary to talk about our favorite foods.

Vocabulary and Speaking ex. 1 (10-12 minutes) • To learn new vocabulary and practice speaking

T writes on board: -Food verbs -Kinds of meal -Describing food T gives instructions and then hands out words to each student. On a separate paper, Ss should write down individually which words belong to which categories. After, they check their answers with their partners. Then together, write on board, feedback, explain words. FOR FEEDBACK, if needed for explanations: BITTER (synonym- acid): coffee, grapefruit, arugala/roquette, (maybe show pictures??) FRESH – new, not old SALTY – chips, pizza, fries, SWEET – fruit, desserts SNACK – between lunch and dinner, generally sweet, often served with tea To SERVE – to prepare and give someone a meal To TASTE – how things are on your tongue, how you know how to describe a food (Example: chocolate tastes good, medicine tastes bad) Ss repeat the words out loud together to practice pronunciation, repeating after T.

Reading ex. 2 - Comfort food (10-15 minutes) • To introduce them to the idea of comfort food, reading for gist

1. T asks Ss - What is comfort food? (Answer: Associated with home, good feelings, or our childhood) T shows a picture of his/her favorite comfort food. Ask Ss if they know what it is. T explains what food means to him/her. 2. Reading for gist T gives “Tastes comforting”, to each student. Ss have 30 seconds to say how many different comfort foods are they talking about 3. Reading ex. 2 Ss read again with more detail. Maybe Ss don’t know these words: Childhood, popular Ss should make notes about each kind of food. When finished, Ss compare answers with their neighbor, can look up words in the dictionary. T, eliciting answers from Ss, writes on board: Name Country Ingredients Roti India vegetables and lentils Ramen Japan noodles Tagine North Africa meat and vegetables Poutine French Canada fried pot. with cheese/meat sauce 4. T asks Ss: What is your favorite comfort food? Ss discuss in groups of three

Reading Ex. 5 - Vegemite + male/female comfort eating (15-20 minutes) • To practice reading for detail

T counts students off by As and Bs. A's go sit on the left, B's on the right. Ss need to take pen and maybe a dictionary with them. Instructions: T asks Ss to work with a partner and read the text, discussing content and taking notes. (max 20 words) Can check understanding with T or with another group. T hands out text. When finished, Ss go back to their seats and try to explain to the person next to them the information. FB: For student A – What did your partner tell you about comfort food for men and women. T can ask: What types of food do men like? Women? Examples of each? How do men and women feel after they eat these foods? Why do we think that? What are some words you had to look up? For student B – Vegemite T can ask: What is Vegemite? What can you eat it with? Where is it from? Is it nutritious? Why? (Vitamin B) Who was it used by in the past? Where do Australians use this? (They take it with them when traveling)

Vocabulary and speaking ex. 2 - Eating habits questions (10-15 minutes) • To practice speaking and asking questions, reinforce vocabulary learned

T cuts up the questions into small strips and gives one question to each person. Ss then ask a S of their choice the question. Once the S answers, they then can ask someone else of their choice the question on their strip of paper.

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