sevda sevda

Everyday objects lesson, Indefinite articles, singular/plural nouns
Beginner grade, level A1 level


In this lesson ss will be introduced to a/an and sigular/plural nouns and will practice them in the context of everyday objects. First some realia will be used to elicit some everyday objects vocabulary. After drilling this vocabulary, they will focus on the usage of indefinite article with different nouns and free practice some more vocabulary using a/an. On the next stage T will get the ss to practice singular/pluran nouns highlighting some pronunciation and spelling.


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • to introduce and practice a/an and singular /plural nouns in the context of everyday objects.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice the pronunciation and spelling of some everyday objects and their plural forms.


Warmer/ Lead in • To let the studnets to worm up to the context


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