Angela Angela

Jobs lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson the students will learn names of some jobs, practice yes/no and wh-questions through asking about jobs. The lesson will start with eliciting the names of the jobs the students know, which will be followed by group-work activity where the students stick the names of the jobs next to the pictures with further controlled practice through reordering the sentences. Finally, there will be some freer practice where the students will find out about their own jobs.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and give practice in vocabulary for talking about jobs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce and practice yes/no questions with 'to be'


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To let the students warm up to the topic

Elicit from the students what your job is. Check if the students know each other's jobs

Introduction of target language (8-10 minutes) • To drill the question What's his/her job?

Use the pictures to elicit the jobs the students know. Put the cards up one by one and encourage the students to say 'He/She's a ...' as you show the pictures. Do choral drilling of the sentences. Then elicit the question What's his/her job? Show a picture, nominate ss to ask a question and others to answer. Then do a choral drilling of both the question and the answer. Then nominate a quiet student to repeat the question and another quiet student to repeat the answer. Do the same with the rest of the pictures.

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To drill target language

Divide the students into pairs. Give each pair a set of job cards. Ss ask each other about the pictures. Monitor and help if necessary. Do some open pair work as FB: nominate one pair of ss to do the task in front of the class.

Follow-up activity (13-15 minutes) • To reinforce the target language

Give students the cards with names on (1 set per pair) and get them to go out and stick the job names next to the pictures. Monitor to make sure they are on task; then stick the original pictures on the WB. When Ss finish with the task, get them to come to the WB to write the names next to the pictures. In FB, check the answers, including spelling, and elicit and mark the stress. Give Ss time to copy the words, if they need to. By pointing to the pictures, elicit yes/no questions from the Ss and get the answers. Do some open-class work with a few Ss. Get Ss to practice in pairs by pointing at the pictures on the WB.

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To raise students' awareness of the word order

Give Ss a worksheet from the WB. Ss reorder the words to make questions. Then get them to ask and answer the questions to each other.

Freer practice (2-3 minutes) • To personalize the target language

Get Ss to find out about their own jobs. In groups they ask each other yes/no and wh-questions. Help with the vocabulary they don't know. In FB, nominate several students to tell the class about their findings.

A back-up activity • To provide further practice of the target language in case there is time left

Play back-to-the-board game. Put a chair with its back to the WB and ask a S to sit on it. Explain that you will write a name of a job on the WB. The S cannot see the word. He has to guess the word with the help of the Ss who are sitting with their faces to the WB. They explain the word but don't name it.

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