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Copy of Writing: An Informal Letter - Correcting Mistakes
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about informal letter writing and self-correcting their errors. Students will consider the kinds of errors they might make and learn to take responsibility for editing and correcting their own work.


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Main Aims

  • For students to engage in product writing practice of an informal letter to a friend in class in the context of correcting mistakes

Subsidiary Aims

  • For students to recognize the types of errors they might make in writing an informal letter, take responsibility for correcting them and interact with new concepts and vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To elicit student responses in setting lesson context and for students to engage with the context

Soars, L., and Soars, S., New Headway Intermediate Student's Book (4th Edition). Oxford. (Pg 103). Exercise 1 Task A - Students answer questions about the context before the context is 'set', thereby providing a context. - ("If you have some important news to share with someone, how do you tell them?") - Students provide answers (i.e. the telephone, text message, a visit, an email, a letter or a post card). Task B -Students consider the different types of errors they might make in writing - ("What kind of mistakes is made when you write?") -Students provide answers for question (i.e. Tense, preposition, grammar, word order, wrong word, punctuation, spelling and word missing)

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • For students to interact with a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Soars, L., and Soars, S., New Headway Intermediate Student's Book (4th Edition). Oxford. (Pg 103). Exercise 2 Task A (Correction box on the board) -Students focus on the sample letter provided -("Look at the informal letter written by Katie" and point to letter on handout) -"There are some mistakes in the letter. In your pairs (Pair students) decide what they are, using the options in the box (point to box on right hand corner on handout - and draw on the board a skeleton format to demonstrate), write down your answers." Task B (Sample Letter on board) -Students make an attempt at error correction -"In your pair, correct the mistakes you found. Write your answers down." (Point out a mistake in the sample letter on the board and demonstrate an example). -Hand out a sheet with the solutions/ corrections on it -"Look at the handout and check if your answers were correct."

Useful Language (2-5 minutes) • For students to learn and interact with necessary vocabulary and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-Students indicate whether they understand certain vocabulary (i.e. 'informal letter', and 'sightseeing' = "Does sightseeing mean to go to work? No. Does sightseeing mean to travel and visit places in a city? Yes. Is sightseeing fun? Yes." ) -If students understand, move on to exercise 3 (pg 103). -If not, students are provided with prompts to elicit responses in teaching new vocabulary.

Productive Task(s) (15-25 minutes) • For students to have the opportunity to practice target productive skills (i.e. writing)

Soars, L., and Soars, S., New Headway Intermediate Student's Book (4th Edition). Oxford. (Pg 103). Task A Exercise 3 -Students focus on exercise 3 (pg 103) -("Look at exercise 3. In your pairs, answer questions 1 to 5 in your books using Katie's letter. You have 10 minutes.") -If short on time, student's answer only first 2 questions. -Students are monitored as they complete the task -Students are provided with an answer key at the end of the task -Students engage in brief feedback with teacher Task B Exercise 5 -Students focus on exercise 5 (pg 103) -Students write a letter to a friend in class, sharing some good news. -("On your own, write a letter to a friend in class telling them about some good news you received over the weekend. Write in full sentences.") -Students exchange letters and correct the errors ("Give your partner your letter. Look for errors using the symbols in the box and correct them.")

Feedback and Error Correction (2-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

-If time: Students share their partners letter with the rest of the class ("Read to the class the letter you received from your partner with your corrections.")

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