Narelle Brownlie Narelle Brownlie

3A Stages of Life and Past Tenses
Level 4:08 level


S's learn vocabulary relating to generational differences and practise past simple, past continuous and 'used to'


Abc 3A Grammar WS, 3A Communicative WS, 3 Articles SB P. 27, 105, 106 and Articles Q WS

Main Aims

  • To be able to understand the concept of generational differences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise past tense forms and use vocabulary relating to stages of a person's life


Lead In • Introduce topic of memory and past states and experiences

Play Cat Stevens song "Remember the Days in the Old SchoolYard" Q's - When? Where? = past / playground Q's - "imaginings", "remember" "simplicity" - meanings / message?

Vocabulary 1 • S's to learn words relating to different types of child personalities

SB - P. 24 S's match the pictures to the vocabulary Q. Do you IDENTIFY with any of the characters? Q. What were you like at school? = I used to.. = I was.. = I played, climbed etc.....

Reading • S's practise R skills

SB P. 24 - 3 BLOGS Q. What kind of children were Nick, Laura and Sarah? Q. Who thinks he/she has changed the least/most? Q. Do you think that you have changed much?

Grammar - Simple Past, Past Continuous and 'used to' • S's study grammar 'past tenses'

GRAMMAR - Past Simple, Past Continuous,'used to' 1. Past Simple = finished past actions / states + When i was a child I played outside every day. - I didn't live in Ankara when I was five years old. ? Where did you go to school? 2. Past Continuous = an action in progress at a specific time in the past + I was watching TV when my mobile rang. - She wasn't sleeping when he called her. ? What were you doing at 8am this morning? 3. 'used to' = habit or state in the past that has now finished + She used to have long hair. - They didn't use to live in Paris. ? What kinds of things did you use to do when you were in primary school? **NOTE** Long versus short periods of time - He used to live in London when he was a child. / We lived in Rome for 2 months. - She used to climb trees when she was a kid. / She climbed trees last week. **NOTE** Adverbs of Time + Past Simple - I often went to the theatre when I lived in London. - I never wore a suit and tie when I went to high school. ******************************S's complete 3A GRAMMAR WS*************** S's complete individually and then T does WC Check

ACTIVITY - Irregular Verb Race • S's learn / review past simple irregular

T divides class into 2 teams - A and B Each team forms a line Each team member given a number. S races against S with corresponding number from the other team First student to write the correct simple past form of the following verbs on WB wins a point for his/her team: bite, bring, choose, draw, dream, drink, feel, fly, hang, hide, lay, lend, lie down, mean to, ride, sew, shine, stand, steal, swim, teach, throw, wake

Speaking • S's to practise S skills

T asks the following Q's to random students: - Where were you born? - Where were you at midnight on the 31st of December last year (New Year's Eve)? What were you doing? - More people used to go to University than now. Do you agree or disagree? - Children nowadays spend more time playing outside than 20 years ago. Do you agree or disagree? *********************T hands out 3A COMMUNICATIVE WS******

Vocabulary 2 • S's learn vocabulary - stages of life

SB P. 26 - S's complete 3 a) and b) and c)

Speaking 2 • S's practise S skills

T put students in pairs - Tell your partner about somebody you know and the different stages of his or her life T gives example Past - He used to be a doctor. / She used to live and study in Ankara. Now - Now he is retired and enjoys doing the gardening / Now she is married and lives in Istanbul and is working in a bank.

Listening • S's practise L Skills

Q. Ask students the meaning of GENERATION GAP? SB - P. 26 Check vocabulary - CONTROVERSY and BAN S's complete Q's relating to Parts 1 and 2 of the Listening ********Discuss PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES

Writing • S's practise W skills

SB Pages 27, 105 , 106 - 3 different News articles - T divides class into 3 groups - T hands each group a different article and a Question Sheet 1. What new idea is being tried? Where? 2. What problem is this idea meant to solve? 3. Who will be affected by it? 4. What good points about this idea are mentioned? 6. What problems with this idea are mentioned? **************WC FEEDBACK Q - Good ideas? Why? Why not? Q - Are there any places where you don't think babies/ small children should be allowed?

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