Mohammed Ali Alkhalaf Mohammed Ali Alkhalaf

sixth lesson
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will learn about the passive voice through describing some inventions and discoveries. The students are going to describe some objects using a variety of active and passive sentences. They will also practice speaking about these objects using the passive voice.


Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Passive voice in the context of describing objects.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading to look for passive sentences in the context of describing ancient historical objects.
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in passive sentences in the context of describing ancient historical objects.


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To review the mystery objects and elicit some passive sentences

The teacher reminds the students of the three pictures of the mystery objects they have already read about. They look at the pictures and the teacher elicit some information that he thinks the passive should be used for. If the students are stuck with the information, the teacher gives some hints like 1912, in a village in 1930s, wood. The students can work in pairs to come up with the information.

Language Focus (8-10 minutes) • The students notice the meaning, phonology and form of the passive structure.

Exercise 1. The teacher asks the students to read the two sentences, and discuss in pairs which one is used in the reading text. If they are not sure, they can go back to the text. The teacher elicits the answer and starts building the meaning: - Who discovered the manuscript in 1 and 2? - What did Voynich discover in 1 and2 ? - Which is more important in 1 and 2? The teacher writes the passive sentence on the board and asks the students the question: Why does the writer use the passive? Exercise 2: The teacher starts clarifying the form by writing the rule under the sentence in a different color with the present and past tenses. Point out the passive is not a tense and we can be used in all tenses. The teacher points out the regular and irregular verbs The teacher asks the students to work in pairs and complete the sentences with the suitable verb to be. Write these forms on the board: write ( the book is written) illustrate ( the pages are illustrated) make ( the book was made) use ( batteries were used) The teacher asks the students to go to the reading text and in pairs underline nine more examples of the passive in the text. The teacher gives the students a key answer to check.

Practice (10-12 minutes) • Students practice using the passive.

Exercise 3: The teacher divides the class into A and B teams. As are given text A, and Bs are given text B. They work in groups to complete the information about the objects using active and passive sentences. The teacher monitors, and after they finish the teacher elicits their answers and corrects the errors. Exercise 4: The asks the students to use the notes and use a variety of passive and active sentences to talk about the object they have just read about. The students A will find B partners to talk to them and the the B partners will talk about their object. The students sit down and tell the teacher about what they have learned about their partner's object.

Freer Practice (4-6 minutes) • Students prectice talking fluently in a variety of active and passive sentences about these objects

The students choose one object that sounds interesting for them and tell the class why.

other contexts practice (6-8 minutes) • Students practice using the passive in other contexts

The students are given pictures to describe using passive sentences. Teams A and B write a sentence each at back of every picture. The team that has more correct sentences win. Errors are pointed out and corrected.

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