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TP5 - Unit 4 My world - Phrases (like, have, live, work, study)
Beginner level


This lesson will be focused on teaching the students how to use the phrases like, have, live, work , study in the present simple form.


Abc Lead in: Cut outs of pictures and words
Abc Matching words to verbs
Abc Circle correct word (listening excercise)
Abc w/b
Abc listening R4.2
Abc ex 4a from WB
Abc projector
Abc listening R4.1
Abc listening R4.3
Abc Grammar present simple

Main Aims

  • To provide students with knowledge on present simple verbs within the context of everyday words and phrases.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enhance students listening and reading skills for gist and specific detail in the context of present simple text. Ss will also practice their pronunciation skills.


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss work in 2 groups. Given cut outs of pictures and their words. Ss match the words and pin on w/b.

Useful phrases (10-12 minutes) • To allow students to understand the meaning of the TL

4A ex 1: Ss given w/s plus cut outs words from lead in to fill gaps . Ss work in small groups. Monitor and take FB . Ss match the correct word on w/b (via projector) Ss listen to recording R4.1 Drill the words with phrases chorally and individually. Highlight on w/b stresses (optional) w/s 4A Ss work in pairs (timing approx 5 mins) Monitor. FB with answer keys on walls.

Reading/listening for general understanding (12-14 minutes) • To allow students to read and listen for general understanding of TL

Show picture of Ricardo . State he lives in Peru. Ask Ss where Peru is. Use w/b . Elicit from students - Turkey, England, France, America - North or South? Ss listen to R4.2 Ask Ss Who are Cecila, Carlos and Diego? Ss read the paragraph (projector) Ss check in pairs. Elicit the answers from Ss. Ss given w/s (ex 2/b) Ss work in pairs. Monitor. FB. Elicit answers from Ss.

Focusing on form (10-12 minutes) • To allow Ss to understand the form of the TL

Draw on the board Verbs (present simple). Write examples - work ,live ... Elicit more examples from Ss. Draw timeline on w/b to explain present simple tense Give Ss w/s of form.(ex3) Ss work in pairs to underline the verbs in the sentences. Elicit answers from Ss on w/b. Draw a smiley face to highlight that these are positive. Draw the table (ex 3 b) on the board with unhappy smiley face with 2 examples. Ss work alone to put sentences in boxes. Elicit answers on board. (use different colours for auxilary verbs and main verbs) Ss listen to R4.3 pronunciations. Drill chorally and individually, highlighting stresses and linking sounds.

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