Rudo Meda Rudo Meda

Famous people & places- Negative of 'to be'
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson, students are introduced to, the singular negative form of ‘to be’ and are provided with the opportunity to practice it. Students will determine nationality, and then engage in several versions of true and false exercises, one of which is a game in which students clarify where famous people or sites are, or are not to be found. Students will also have the opportunity to practice speaking the negative forms of 'to be'. .


Abc Country identification gap fill , edited to show nationally famous singer photos

Main Aims

  • Language Focus: Vocabulary: – To review country vocab and introduce nationalities in the context of talking about where people are from

Subsidiary Aims

  • Skills: To give sudents controlled speaking practice


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Remember yesterday we talked about favorites? Nominate 2 students and elicit favorite singer Ask "where is ...... from? " Mention other singers and sample one line of about 3 songs Tina Turner (Simply the Best) - Emilie Sande (Next to Me) - Miriam Makeba (Sing 'Click song') - What country is Tina Turner from? (Raise interest). Let's see.

Revision of Beginner Class 1 from yesterday (2-3 minutes) • To recycle the target language from yesterday's lesson, and use it as the basis of a new lesson today

Refer to 'He is from England, he is from Russia' exercises from yesterday Show photo Tom had of tourist Revise country identification exercise No. 1. :, and therefore set up ex. 2 Show projector slide of faces, of singers and their country As whole class, go through the countries indicated to make sure students recognize the countries and familiarize with faces Speaking practice: "He's from_______"

Teach Nationality (4-5 minutes) • To introduce the lexis of nationality

- Define nationality -Random count so strong students are working with weak students/ create groups by proximity as long as weak students are not sitting together. - Students work in teams of 3 and 1 of 4 with pre-cut out nationalities paper clipped together, and a lattice-like structure into which to fit the nationalities. - Sts refer to the head shots with nationalities to complete task. - Teacher writes list on board while group works - 10 students in class, so each student fills in one answer on board in group feedback. - Drill pronunciation, esp. Czech, Thai, Portuguese (vs. Portugal), Peruvian (Add a 'v')

Test #2 (4-5 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language - Nationality

Boardwork: table grouping nationalities by suffix/ irregular group (ex. 3a) Students to complete as whole class (each student comes up and writes. Then Sts are given Additional nationalities on handout are filled out. ex 3b)

Test # 3 (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the concept of the negative of the verb 'to be' and practice the target language

Boardwork: Write I am Turkish - point to self - Elicit a 'no' from Students - write dashes on board and elicit I am 'not' Turkish Draw 2 columns on Board +ve -ve p------ neg-------- I am I am ------ Gap fill to complete column headings Use further gap fill whole class work to conjugate negative form of 'to be' - Students help to fill. If need help: - further explain the negative with a song (Tune of ABC, 1,2,3- Jackson 5) I am not you are not He is not She is not It is not! Not not not! Short forms , To Pokerface, Lady Gaga I'm not You're not He's not She's not Its not! Aren't Isn't Not not not! - Ex. 7, Using negative conjugations on board - Listening ex on pronunciation of grammar in in Ex. 7, Drill

Test # 4 (3-5 minutes) • Practice target language

Ex. 9, Face to face * Adapted to exclude celebrities students might not be familiar with and to exclude an exercise Coursebook suggests but I do not believe this lesson gives time for ie. because it relies on an example that will need clarifciation, ie. "Ankara is the Capital of Turkey". Requires checking familiarity with term 'Capital City' by eliciting examples of capitals. May have to reserve that for another lesson, since it is not central to this lesson. such. Clarify form - usually given as 'Capital' Pairwork Group feedback

Productive skills practice (5-8 minutes) • To give students controlled speaking practice

Pairwork - Ss each write 1 true sentence about a famous singer "he is/she is" (Do one together on board as example) Ss write 2 false sentences about a famous singer (Do on board together) share sentences with each other in grps of four Share with class Delayed error correction .

Time permitting, play a game (2-5 minutes) • To encourage students to build intrinsic motivation by allowing them a further opportunity to take ownership of their learning

students work in pairs to find an alternative tune they could use to remember the negative forms of 'to be'. Students then either use their own tune, or the tunes we sang together in class. Ask one or two students to share.

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