Tom Godfrey Tom Godfrey

Introductions and countries
A1 beginners level


First lesson with a Beginners group. Getting to know names and a simple dialogue introducing yourself


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practise basic introductions: what`s your name? Where are you from? and What`s your job?

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce subj pronouns: I, he, she and possesive pronouns - my, his, and her


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ball game. Sts say their names. Intro - Hello what`s your name? My name`s .....and yours? If sts are OK add: Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. (Milling)

Introduction of language (10-12 minutes) • To introduce pronouns and Q forms

Show visuals: Putin / Bond Elicit the dialogue: A: Excuse me B: Yes. A: Is your name ..........? B; No it isn't. My name's ....... B: Yes, it is. A: Oh, I'm sorry. A: Aha. A letter for you B: No problem B: Thank you A: Not at all. Milling - sts walk round and find who to give their letters.

Test #1 (10-15 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Show world map: Elicit - countries. Use visuals to elicit some countries Pairs - brainstorm countries - Turkey, Brazil - pass paper (1 min) H/O: Demo the activity - What's number 1? It's ........... Match - check with answer sheet. Elicit stress patterns: O o Turkey. Match stress patterns - relay game or in groups. Drill countries.

Controlled Oral Practice • To provide controlled practice of the TL

Flexi-stage. Game practising (guessing in groups). Are you from .........? Yes I am No, I'm not.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Set up listening. Show visuals Tourist Businessmen Where is he from? Where are they from? Is he a tourist? Are they tourists? Listen x1 (sts check in pairs) Group task: Order dialogue. Listen x2 (check order) - answer sheet on wall. .

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Sts read dialogue - practise. Re-elicit dialogue and act out in pairs.

Elicited dialogue (15 minutes) • To recycle language of introductions

Visual: James Bond - Vladimir Putin Elicit dialogue: Hello Hi. What`s your name? Bond, James Bond and you? Vladimir Putin. Where are you from? I`m from England. I am English. You? I am from Russia. I`m Russian. What is your job? I am a secret agent and you? I am President of Russia. Yeah. Right. Elicit and drill. Half class. Pairs. Milling with famous people/

Teach stage • Introduce 3rd person - he, she and his and hers

Visuals: Tarkan Angelina Jolie. Elicit: name? from? job? Drill Gap-fill and answer key

Freer practice • Q - Ans practise in a game

Sts in groups play the guessing game. One st asks the Qs. Other sts answer to gain the most cards.

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