Günay Şimşek Günay Şimşek

Speaking - Lexis
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will develop their fluency skills in the context of "discussing feelings and opinions" about various different topics.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a discussion in the context of personal views - agreeing and disagreeing.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for expressing for agreeing and disagreeing in the context of personal views, opinions.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Before students watch a short clip from the movie called "Monty Python - Life of Brian (1979)" Ask students to predict what might be today's lesson topic. (opinions- personal views, following own foot steps will be all valid answers) Ask students to work in pairs to discuss. Monitor Feedback

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Ask students to read two different comments for and against the idea of "moving to another country for a job" Ask students " write a question as you are the person who is asking the question, how would you ask?" Tell them that they can ask this many different ways. First elicit example from the students and if necessary give an example to them Work in pairs Monitor Nominate for feedback

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Ask students to elicit following answers: " How would you ask someone if you wanted to know about their views? " What are your views on ....?, " What do you think of....?, "Are you for or against.....?, " How do you feel about....?, For the opinions: " I think, In my opinion, I'd like to, I agree" For disagreeing: " I don't think that, I don't agree, I totally disagree, I absolutely disagree" For reason: "Because" Justify your reason: "That's why, For this reason" Model and drill some of the functional language before moving into productive stage.

Productive Task (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students work as a pair with a handout which contains key words for discussion. Ask students to formulate questions using functional language which they have discussed in the useful language session and find out for and against views of the others for: Wearing a hijab in public should be banned Smoking in public places should be allowed Military service should be compulsory Money can buy happiness. Ss go around and ask as many students as possible to find out similar and different views on different questions. Ask students if they found any different views other than their own. Group ss according to their answers (agree and disagree) ask them to defend their views I can judge the best defending group and move on to the next topic of discussion and so on. Monitor - collect good and bad language for feedback and error correction for the later stage.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Ask students if they enjoy the lesson and find it easy or difficult? Write down some good and some bad language that ss used during the discussion stage and phrase ss for good language and reformulate the ones that need reformulation. To do this, first ask students to elicit the answers and reformulate them together. Finally, thank everyone for coming to the classes, participating and studying hard. Encourage them to come and join us again to improve their language skills.

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