Hatsuna Yasuda Hatsuna Yasuda

TP5-Elementary-Group D
Elementary level


J6jptfv6sdqoxwrsr5p6 ho1 reading HO1
Qqqwbdmssayqqiltjvkk ho2 HO2
Oqsw8t2tpkolvpquscgm wb WB

Main Aims

  • To provide gist receptive skill practises using a text about visiting art museum in the context of Tate Moderns

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of visiting Tate Modern


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- (WB-1)T will show the picture of Tate Modern on WB. - Ask questions like: 1) What type of building is it? 2) What can you see? 3) Would like to go? - Write the words that Ss speak on the board.

Initial Reading #1 (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

-(HO1) Tell Ss: Individually, read these 2 questions. Don't look at the back side of the handout. Just read the questions. [ICQs] 1) Will you read these questions? (yes) 2) Will you work alone? (yes) 3) Will you spead the paper? (no) - T will give HO1 (fold it in half) and give Ss half min to read the question. - T will tell Ss: Now, flip over the HO. Read this individually. Don't answer this. [ICQs] 1) Do you read this alone? (yes) 2) Will you answer the questions? (no) Read in 1 min. - T tells Ss: Now, work in pairs. You two, you two, and you two. Discuss the answers for the questions in pairs. - W/C FB A-1) It's next to the Millennium Bridge in London. A-2) Modern art. optional question) What is Tate Modern? (art museum) -Clarifying the words. 1) Modern art /ˈmɒd.ən/ CCQs: 1) Is this new or old? 2) Which one is modern art? (by showing 2 paintings) 2) power station 1. What is another word for power? (electricity) (if Ss do not know the word for electricity. Turn on and off the light.) Power on. Power off. 3) It is very popular with British people and tourists (underline popular) /ˈpɒp.jʊ.lə/ CCQs: 1) Do these all people know it? (yes) 2) Do they like it? (yes)

Post-Reading/ (10-11 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-(Write on the board) T will show the following sentences for further activity: 1. Do you like...? 2. Are there...? 3. My favorite ... is ...because 1. Ask Ss: Do you like dogs? (Yes) Yes...(Yes, I do) Negative (No, I don't) 2. Ask Ss: Are there good restaurants in Istanbul? (Yes) Yes...(Yes, there are.) 3. Tell Ss: You like restaurant A. It serves great meals. Tell me your favorite restaurant. (My favorite restaurant is A because it serves great meals.) -T will tell: Spread the HO (by showing it). Read this first. - After giving them half seconds: Now, you (showing half students) are A. You are B. A ask questions. B answer the questions. [Demo] Nominate S. T: Do you like modern art? S: Yes, I do. T: Are there any famous museums in your town or city? S: Yes, there are. My favorite museum is Ayasofya Museum because it is beautiful. [ICQs] 1) A, raise your hand? OK. B? 2) A, do you answer the questions? (no) 3) B, do you answer the questions? (yes) Everybody stands up. A stands in line. B stands in line. Now, talk. - When B answer the questions, T will tell: OK. Change your turn. B ask questions. A answer these. (T tries to collect errors)

(Optional task)Vocabulary practice #1 (Controlled Practice) (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with pronunciation of language

- (WB4)T show the diagram of Tate Modern on WB. - Elicit spelling of the number of floors. First /fəːst/ Second /ˈsɛk(ə)nd/ Third /θəːd/ Fourth /fɔːθ/ Fifth /fɪfθ/ Sixth /sɪksθ/ Seventh /ˈsɛv(ə)nθ/ -T will write phonemic symbols for 1st, 4th and 5th. 1st-bite your bottom lip. (4th and 5th as well) 3rd-show the tongue and say 3rd. Model and drill.

Vocabulary practice #2 (Controlled Practice) (2-3 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

-T will show the HO2 and ask Ss: Work in pairs. Look at the words in the box and symbols. Match the words to symbols. Write the correct word in below. [ICQs] 1) Do you work with your partner? (yes) 2) Do you write the words? (yes) -T will give Ss HO2 (give 1 min) -(Play 1.54) W/C FB, model and drill. -(WB5) T will point "toilets" and say: pronunciation, everybody, say... -(WB5) T will ask you: What do you do in baby changing room? Do you really change your baby? What do you do for your baby? (change diaper/underwear)

Initial Listening (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

- T will tell Ss: Now, you are at the Tate Modern information desk. You want some information about cafe. How do you ask? (Write on WB, "Where..." 'What floore...") Where is the cafe? What floor is the cafe on? Now, you will listen to 5 conversations at information desk. 5 tourists will ask a person at information desk about the places where they want to go. (Hold HO2) Listen and tick the words on your HO2. [ICQ] 1) Will you listen to the conversations? (yes) 2) How many conversations? (5) 3) While you are listening, what will you do? (tick the words on handout) -T will tell Ss: Check you answers with your partner. W/C FB: Which ones did you tick?

While-Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

- T will tell Ss: Now, spread your HO2. 1. It doen't accept coins. [CCQs] 1) Can you pay it by coins? (no) 2) Do you need to get something before you buy it? (yes) - T will ask: Listen one more time. Match each sentence to a name of place from A-G. [ICQs] 1) Will you listen one more time? (yes) 2) Will you use the words A-G? (yes) -(CD 1.55)T will play the recording. -T will ask: Work in pairs and check your answers. W/C FB

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