claire young claire young

Colloquial words/phrases
Upper-Int level


This lesson is based on material from Face2Face Upper-Int ( Unit 12A ex.1) This is a vocabulary lesson and the TL is 12 phrases/words used in colloquial English ( e.g. quid) Sts will first have a chance to discover/ work out the meaning of the TL themselves through a definition match. Meaning, form and pron will then be clarified and checked as necessary in feedback. Sts will then have a chance to practice and produce the phrases/words in a semi-controlled speaking exercise. The lesson will finish with a game designed to reinforce understanding and aid memorisation of the new words and phrases


Abc colloquial/ neutral words on slips of paper
Abc HO1- definition match
Abc HO2 -Questions cut up into strips

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of colloquial phrases and words e.g quid, loo, pop into.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide semi-controlled speaking and writing practice to develop accuracy and to aid memorisation of the new words.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T. draws two characters on the WB and explains to sts they are good friends who have met each other on the street. - Elicit from sts a possible dialogue between the two: ( hopefully sts will provide a fairly neutral / formal dialogue- How are you? I am fine thanks etc.) Ask sts if this is how they think people really speak in England? Try and elicit more informal ways- How's it going? Not too bad. Link from this to the topic of today's lesson- colloquial English.

Activating prior knowledge related to TL area (5 minutes) • To remind sts of colloquial words they already know

Distribute cards to sts- red words ( neutral/formal ) blue words ( colloquial) sts match the words and stick on the WB. Words to match are: child/kid, man/guy, policeman/cop university/uni, toilet/loo, television/telly

Test #1 (10-0 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Sts look at the colloquial phrases and words in bold in HO1. They tick the words they know. Sts work together and discuss the meaning of the words they know. Sts unfold HO1 to reveal definitions of the collquial phrases and words. Sts match to the definitions

Teach (12-0 minutes) • To clarify MPF of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

In FB T. nominates a st to read out a sentence e.g "What's up? You look really stressed out? and T elicits from sts the meaning of the colloquial language. ( see analysis for CCQs) T writes word(s) on WB and highlights special features of from e.g ( adj) stressed out ( about) + noun/verb-ing ( see analysis) When necessary T. models the word and drills for pronunciation and marks stress on WB ( see analysis) This process is repeated for all the words/phrases- more time beng spent on the newer/more difficult words

Test/ Production (8-10 minutes) • To give sts semi-controlled speaking practice of the TL and to get sts to personalize the TL

Distribute to sts slips of paper with questions on ( HO2). The questions have the TL in them. Sts ask and answer the questions. Get WCFB- nominate a couple of sts to tell the class what they learnt about their partner.

Review and consolidation (8-0 minutes) • To reinforce the TL and to help sts memorize the TL

Divide the class into 2 teams. Play back to the board. One st from each team sits with their back to the board. T. writes a word/phrase from the lesson on the WB. The other team members have to describe the word to their team member. The first person to guess the word correctly wins a point. If a team can then make a correct sentence they win a further point.

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