Melek Genç Melek Genç

Grammar Lesson - There is/ There are
Beginner level


In this lesson students will learn about grammar 'there is/there are' in the context of cities. First, I will try to elicit and make a connection between the previous lesson they recently had about the cities. Then I will set a task that will get the students to notice the use of there is/ there are. Then through the listening activity, have the students understand the form of the grammar subject. Then, I will let the students work on 'there is/there are' by themselves, by making sentences and then through drilling exercises. Finally, by speaking exercise, students will be able to present the city they choose with their partner.


Abc Straight Forward Beginner Student's Book
Abc Straight Forward Beginner Teacher's Book
Abc Speakers
Abc Handouts
Abc White Board
Abc Listening Activity

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of 'there is/ there are' in the context of cities in particular.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in the context of cities, and later in pair work as we discuss the cities that the students choose, and finally pracitce in fluency with 'there is/ there are.'


Lead - in (6-7 minutes) • To generate interest on the subject and activate schemata

Through the handout students will be introduced the grammar subject 'there is/ there are' with the handouts from Straight Forward Student's book page 76 as a language reference. There, I will explain the students the differences between there is and there are and make sure the students clearly understand it.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for there is/ there are

The students will underline the correct word to complete the sentences individually on example 1, page 61; Student's book - Straight Forward. Then, I will let them check their answers together in pairs. Through the listening 2.10, the students will listen to the recording and check their answers.

Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the form of there is/ there are

I will ask the students to make similar sentences, not more than three, about their classroom with pairwork where they will get to practice their writing skills and understand the grammar subject 'there is/ there are' in a better way. First I will write an example to the board, and will want them to do the same.

Highlighting (6-8 minutes)

I will write St Petersburg on the board and then will ask the students 'What do you know about St. Petersburg?' and will try to elicit as much as information I can. Then, on Student's Book, exercise 3, on page 61, I will ask the students make sentences with the bold words on the text. I will do the first example for them and let them do the rest. Then, I will let the students check their answers in pairs.

Controlled Grammar Practice (2-4 minutes) • To Clarify the grammar and pronunciation problems through drilling exercises

Preview the speaking task by doing a short There is/ There are drill. I will write the following words on the board, an airport, a cathedral, hotels, apartments, a castle, bridges. Then, I will model the sentences, for example: 'There is an airport. There are hotels.' I will want the students make sentences like that. After that, I will ask the students to repeat and concentrate on good pronunciation.

Pre - Speaking (3-4 minutes) • To have students present their ideas and being able to talk about them

I will ask the students think of a city that they know well. Then I will tell them to make a brief notes about the city under the headings, as they can see on page 61, Student's Book. I will monitor and help with ideas and vocabulary. I will give them 3 to 4 minutes to think about what they are going to say in their presentation. I will do an example if necessary.

Speaking (8-9 minutes) • To engage students further with the target language

I will ask the students to write their presentation notes on the handouts, as this will help them to develop their note taking in English, as in target language, since they are beginner level students. Then, I will let the students present their city breaks to each other with pairwork. In feedback, I will ask the students whether they would like to go on their partner's city break.

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