Ebru Senli Ebru Senli

present simple
elementary level


students will learn how to ude I, you, we and they. By the end of the lesson each student will know how to talk about activities


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Main Aims

  • reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a daily activities


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • warm up

introduce yourself to students and individually ask their names and education. This will allow teacher to communicate with students.

Pre-Teaching Vocab (5-6 minutes) • for students to learn new words and to elicit.

Teacher will elicit from students the meanimg of bag, sandwich bar, souvinier shop, eat popcorn, watch films, chat with people, travel, play tennis, reşax, do exersice and listen to music. Write each word on the board and drill with whole class.

predict (2-3 minutes) • for students to know what we will cover

Students will look at the picture and will guess what we will cover teacher will ICQ what can you see, what are they doing, is the playing tennis.

ask students their favourite activity (1-2 minutes)

teacher will ask students their favourite activity or things they like to do. Give example from own life.

reading (4-5 minutes) • read and match the scripts

students will read the website extracts give students time to read the extacts and elicit what they have read. ask students how many online groups are there? give out scripts and ask students to match the scripts with the correct exract and ak students to work in pairs if they have difficulty teacher will ask students to add the words to the phrases. elicit answers from students students will come up on the board and write down the answers.

(3-4 minutes)

ask students to underline the nouns and verbs on the extract given to them and check. chacek wıth their partner and check with whole class

discussion (8-10 minutes)

students work in pairs and teacher will ask students to students A say noun and student B say Verb that goes with it. A fotball b play footbal Ask students to make their own sentences and talk with their partner

listening (3-4 minutes)

tell students they will listen to audio and will complete the table for the man tick the boxes. Play again to check the answers with students. ask students which is the laid back group

are you typical pg 150 handout (4-5 minutes)

give scripts and cards to students an work in pairs to match the cards and scripts. ask and answer dialogue.

pair work (6-8 minutes)

listen again and stress the underlines words stressed words important for pronunciation bold sentences in teachers book page 34 audio 2.1 do you like films? yes I do . do you travel? No, I don;t

(15-18 minutes)

teacher will ask students to complete the activity 7 and will monitor ecah student for support. Teacher will first give examples on do you like you dont like we they I you. teacher will get feedback. 8A teacher will ask students to choos one heading and write few paragraphs about the headng they chose looking at the example from 1A. what people in your group do and what they dont do. teacher will ask students to read their extract to other group for them to guess what they do. this will happen with other groups teacher will ask students to read out their paragraph for error correction

activity 2.2 (7-8 minutes)

teacher will ask students to match the phrases with the pictures. teacher will get feedback from students and elicit what they can see in the picture each student will give answer. tecaher will ask students to fill in the gaps using the verbs in the box. students will work in pairs and will ask and answer the questions.

and but or (7-8 minutes) • for students to understand where and how to use it.

preteach and but or to students giving exmaple sentences. I am from Adana but know I live in Izmir I like turkish coffee and nescafe I drink coke or ayran with my food. Ask students what examples they can give using or but and. allow students time to think and write first. on board ask students to fill out the gaps in exercise 2A and 2B ask students to compare their answers.

Listening 3 on page 20 (3-5 minutes)

give out hanouts and ask students to elicit from students asking what the person on page 21 is doing and what his job is. teacher will ask students to listen and answer the questions on the handout for activity 4b teacher will play the audıo again to check the answers

grammar (6-7 minutes)

teacher will students examples from the board for she he. he comes home late she plays piano it was nice to meet you it was a lovely day when we use second person we use s at the end of the word plays, sings, eats, flies etc.... and also give example on negative sentences he doesnt like to fly. She doesnt like cooking, I dont want to have breakfast. she doesnt want to study.

6A practice (6-7 minutes)

theacher will dısplay on screen and ask students what the womens job is and alicit answers. teacher will ask studentt to fill in the gaps. What is her job? Students will work in pairs and and will ask eachother questions on their daily routine and will write 2 tru and 2 false sentences.

listening page 21 10A (10-15 minutes)

students will listen and repeat the jobs and will write down the jobs on the board teacher will support if needed. students will work in groups teacher will show flashcards and ask students to choose one job and describe it to their friends and friends will ask questions to guess the job

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