TP4, Shiva Khoei
Pre-intermediate, A2 level


in this lesson, students practice using superlative adjectives in the context of their family members. the discuss how they see their siblings.


Abc WB
Abc projector
Abc paper stripes with questions on them
Abc My family photos
Abc PC

Main Aims

  • to provide Ss with practice on talking about their family members and describe them

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice the lexis relevant to describing people


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ill show them the family tree of a famous family (Angelina Jolie) on the WB and ask them whether they have have any idea what it is. Then Ill elicit the relationships among the siblings in that family.

pre-speaking (5-7 minutes) • to practice speaking about one's family members

I will draw my own family tree on WB, show Ss the members ofmy family and ask them to guess who is who; then I will ask them to guess how are my member like (describe them using adjectives and maybe employing superlative adjectives).

speaking (12-14 minutes) • to practice speaking about one's family members

I will ask Ss to draw their own famliy trees; then Ill ask them to write a superlative adjective under each name; next Ill ask them to take turns to tell each other about their families, using the superlatives. Ill ask them to ask questions in order to find out more information about each person.

Further speaking practice (10-12 minutes) • To check ss use of the words

I will give Ss paper stripes with some questions on (who is the most ... in your family?) then Ill ask them to share their ideas either with their pairs or in their group; next, Ill ask them to come up with the reason as to why they think so and tell each other the reasons.

Freer Speaking (5-8 minutes) • To make Ss feel more comfortable talking about their family members

I will Ss to tell their friends (in pairs) which person/people in their partner's family they would most like to meet; then, if there's still time, Ill ask them to come up with the reason why yhey would like to meet that person.

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