Sabina Sabina

FCE 2015 Prep course
Upper-intermediate, B2 level


In this lesson, sts revise and learn the difference between commonly confused words food, dish and meal, practise using them in different collocations and then use them and practice fluency speaking skills in a discussion for FCE Speaking Part 3.


Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of Commonly confused words Food, Meal and Dish in the context of Food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Discussion for FCE Speaking Part 3 in the context of Food


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To Pre-teach lexis

T puts the words "eggs", "lunch", "mushroom omelette" on the WB and elicit the words food, dish, meal. FB: CCQ the meaning. Drill pronunciation.

Written practice of lexis (5-7 minutes) • To practice meaning of the TL

SS do the exercise 1 on page 42. Check (PW). FB: common mistakes. CQs if necessary

Further written practice of lexis (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the SS to common mistakes of TL and provide further practice of meaning

T asks SS if its easy to confuse these words and if they sometimes use a wrong word, then tells the SS they are going to look at common mistakes FCE candidates make. SS do ex. 2 on page 42. FB: correct common mistakes if there are, CQs if necessary.

Further lexis work: collocations with TL (12-15 minutes) • To brainstorm common collocations with TL and activate vocabulary

T puts brainstorming bubbles of the lexical set on WB and elicits some common collocations (e.g. fast food). SS work together to remind other collocations. Befor SS do ex. 4 on page 42, T puts the first sentence on WB and make SS think of the right answer for a minute (PW). FB: discussion 1. Do you have meals when you're at work? Do you cook at home or go out to a restaurant or a cafe? 2. What's your favorite meal of the day? 3. Which is your favorite dish? Who prepares it for you?

Oral practice of lexis (7-10 minutes) • To provide oral practice of TL

SS revise the structure of FCE speaking part 3. (PW) ICQs: How much time do you have to discuss the questions? - 3 minutes. How much time for the first part? (2 minutes) ...for the second part? (1 minute) Will you ask about your partner's opinion? SS do ex. 5 part 1. When the time limit is up, use ICQs for the se one part: How much time do you have? - 1 minute How much places do you have to choose? - 2 Will you agree with your partners first suggestion? No Will you suggest on e of your own? Yes Will you disagree with all suggestion of your partner's? No

Pre-Listening (5-6 minutes) • To revise and prepare for FCE Listening Part 1

T makes the SS revise the structure of Paper 4 Part 1. 1. How many texts will you listen? - 8 2. Are they dialogs, monologues? - both 3. Will you listen for single words or for general idea? - for general idea 4. How many answers are possible for each text? - 1 5. Is it important to understand every single word? - no 6. If you don't know the answer, will you skip the question or decide on something? T tells SS are going to have 1 minute to look through the questions. SS are now given 1 minute to read the questions quickly and underline main ideas. (Solo) Then check their answers. (PW)

Listening for gist (4-6 minutes) • To provide practice of listening for gist for FCE Listening Part 1

SS listen to recording two times. (Solo)

Reading for detail (5-7 minutes) • To provide reading for detail

SS check their answers with the tapescripts. (Solo) SS check their answers together (PW)

Working with the language (8-10 minutes) • To test and practice usage of "so, such and such a" for FCE Reading and Use of English Part 6

SS do ex. 1 on page 43. (Solo) Check their answers (PW). FB: SS summarize the rule themselves or with the help of T. SS do ex. 2 on page 43. Check their answers (PW) FB: SS write 4 sentences of their own using the TL.

Further work with the language (3-5 minutes) • SS study common mistakes FCE candidates make

SS do ex. 3 (PW)

Reading and Use of English Part 6 (7-10 minutes)

SS revise the rules of the task: 1. Can you change the word given? - No. 2. Can you change the meaning of the first sentence? - No 3. How many words can you use in the gaps? - from 2 to 5 4. Can you change grammar and vocabulary if necessary? SS do the ex. 4 on page 43. Then check their answers (PW)

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