Hatsuna Yasuda Hatsuna Yasuda

Unit 18-Task 13-Hatsuna
Pre-intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide review of the present simple question and short answers in the context of interviewing with friends

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop students' ability to listen for specific details and speaking skills in the context of friends


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students with real-life task

p.24, 1 & 2 List activities in #1 in handout. Distribute the handouts. Work in pairs. Ss ask and answer the questions about the activities in handout. (see p. 24, #2) O/C FB T asks one or two Ss to share their ideas with the class.

Listening 1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of proficient speakers and listen for a specific information

Ss listen to the interview with a psychologist Simon Palmer about men and women. Before they do, they read the gist of record (p. 24 Listening #1). T asks "do you think that men and women like the same things as their friends?" (yes/no) T sets a task: p.24 Listening #3. T plays the recording. Pairs check their answers. T elicits the correct answers.

Listening 2 (6-8 minutes) • To develop Ss' ability to listen for target language.

Ss listen to the interview again. Before they go, T asks Ss to note down examples of the present simple questions and short answers. T plays the recording. Pairs check their answers. T monitors to see if students need to listen again. Recording is played again as necessary. T elicits the correct answers.

Language focus (Controlled Practice) (10-12 minutes) • To enable Ss to understand the meaning, form and pronunciation.

Ss make questions in the present simple on p. 25, Grammar #1 individually. Work in pairs and check the correct answers. T observes and helps as necessary. O/C FB, eliciting the answers onto the board. T asks concept checking questions to check the understanding of meaning if necessary.(Since Ss already know the grammar to an extent, I would skip "showing the form on the board".) Grammar #3 and 4. Work in pairs. Pair A asks questions, and pair B answers. When finished, change the roles. T observes and helps as necessary. T lists good language and errors onto the board. O/C FB. p. 28 Pronunciation #1 and 2. Ss listen to the pronunciation by proficient speakers. T drills 3 words from the different stress types in the chart of Pronunciation #1. T elicits word stress in Pronunciation #2.

Language Practice (Freer Practice) (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

p. 25, Speaking #1-3 T tells Ss to write 1-2 sentences about what things they do with their friends from the lists of Speaking #1. Work in pairs. Interview their partners by using the present simple questions (Speaking #2). T observes and helps as necessary. List the good language and errors in their talks.

Feedback (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went. To give students feedback on their language use.

T asks Ss to share one or two of their stories. T writes examples of good language in their talks and language which needs further work on the board. Pairs discuss the language, discussing how to correct or reformulate the language which needs more work.

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