Hoda parvas Hoda parvas

Hoda parvas Tp 3b New inside out
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will read about chocolate for details and will use countable and non-countable nouns in the reading which will be be taught later.


Abc handouts

Main Aims

  • Reading for details

Subsidiary Aims

  • using countable and uncountable nouns to talk about food preference


Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set the context

I will show pictures of alcoholics and ask students what the problem is. when they mention the problem I will write the word on the right side of the board. I will say that he is addicted to alcohol. I will show them pictures of workaholics and ask what the problem might be. I will add the word on the right side of the board. I will do the same thing for the word shopaholic and chocoholic. I will repeat that these people are addicted to certain things. I will drill the new words and ask them to repeat .

Pre-listening (12-15 minutes) • To personalize the listen and make It more relevant

I will chest the first handout and explain that there are 8 questions on the paper. I will ask them to guess the answers for their partners but not exchange answers. when they are done I will ask them to check the answers with their partners. I will tell them that more than 3 yeses means that they are chocoholics. I will ask them to compare their answers in pairs to see who the bigger chocoholic is. I will ask who the chocoholics of the class are. I will randomly ask pairs what their answers are.

while listening (13-15 minutes) • listening for details

I will show them pictures of chocolate bars also white,dark and milk chocolate. I will ask them about their favorite type of chocolate . I will ask if they have a favorite brand of chocolate . I will chest the second handout and explain that I want them to read the statements and guess whether they are true or false. I will tell them that If they have problems with the words they can ask me or their partners. I will ask them to share their answers in groups of 4. When most of them are done I will tell them that we will listen to a recording to see If their guesses were right or wrong.

Post listening (6-8 minutes) • To enhance students' understanding of the listening material

After checking the answers I will ask them if they were surprised by the answers . I will ask them to talk about their reasons in pairs. I will ask them to share their ideas in the class.

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