Melek Genç Melek Genç

Television Vocabulary
Pre- Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will mainly learn about vocabulary, focused on TV, and TV habits. First, the lesson starts with a speaking part, in order to warm the students up and let them to talk about the television in general. I will ask them a few questions about the TV and their habits. Then, I will let them to have a short discussion between the students as in pair or group work, depending on the number of students, and then let them report me about their ideas. After the warm up speaking part, I will do a categorization exercise on WB to see how many words they know about the TV. The categories will be a)tv equipment b)TV programmes and c) TV verbs. Then, l will do another speaking exercise where students will have to link the words that they just categorized about the TV, and will expect them to use these words during the speaking activity, while answering the questions. Then, the following activity will be a quiz where the students will get to quiz themselves individually at first and then will get to talk to each other - as in partners- and fill the blanks in the quiz accordingly to see if they are 'telly addicts or not.' If there is extra time left in the lesson, the students will work on the listening part about 'Toby' to see if he is a telly addict or not by the ticks he gets on the column.


Abc Computer and Speakers
Abc Gap Fill Handout
Abc Handouts
Abc Recording/ Listening
Abc Teacher's Book of face2face
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Student's Book

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of vocabulary and lexis in the context of TV and the TV habits through speaking, and listening activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students controlled and semi - controlled speaking practice.
  • Developing students' lexis about TV.
  • Knowing the differences between nouns and verbs.
  • To give students practice listening in details.


Warmer (2-4 minutes) • Saluting the students and introducing the class

Explaining the students the aim of the class that is mainly on vocabulary in the context of TV, and what we will be focusing on during while in class.

Lead - in (5-6 minutes) • Setting the context of the lesson and engaging students

Since the subject is about TV, I will have the students use their time on speaking as a start, before the exercises. I will ask them some questions about TV and their TV habits, and let them be in pairs to talk about it for a while, to make sure that they know what they will be working on for the rest of the class. This will also let them be more comfortable while talking about the class' related subject.

Introduction to Vocabulary (8-11 minutes) • Introducing and clarifying the vocabulary

After the speaking part, I will do the exercise 1a, on page 32, Face2Face Student's Book, and have the students categorize the words first by pairs, and then I will use the WB as a FB to make sure if the students got all the answers right. Then, I will have the students do the matching exercise about the TV related words, prepared by me.

Clarification of Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the problems with vocabulary through speaking

As the next stage, on page 32, Face2Face Student's Book, students will do exercise 2, as in pairwork. They will discuss the questions and use the words in exercise 1a) in their answers.

Practising the Vocabulary (8-9 minutes) • To provide a more specific understanding of the vocabulary

Explaining what 'telly' and 'addict' is to the students and let them do exercise 3a) the quiz on student's book, Face2Face. First, they will do the exercise individually and then they will do the exercise as a pair work, to see if they are really a television addict. Then, the students will tell me their answers by the end of their discussion.

Listening for Details (9-10 minutes) • To provide general understanding of the listening activity

After the quiz, I will tell the students that they are going to listen to a woman, Jo, asking her flatmate, Toby the questions in the quiz. They will try to see if Toby is a 'telly addict or not?'. I will have the students listen to conversation, if/when needed.

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